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Each WebMoney Transfer system member must have a WM Passport.
A WebMoney Transfer member may obtain a WM passport of any of the following types:
An alias passport is issued free of charge to every WebMoney Transfer member automatically upon registration in the system (after receiving your WMID). Data specified by users have not been verified. For all details included the passport states that the information has not been verified and is recorded according to the passport holder.
Personal data should be changed on Verification Center Website after receiving a formal passport.
Alias passport allows:
- make transfers1 within the WebMoney system to fully identified members of the system;
- top-up purses with cash-in terminals and pre-paid WM-cards;
- to perform payments for services (internet provider etc.) and internet shopping at resources that accept WM;
- to pay for mobile communication services, with the following limits, per day (month) - 600 RUB /15 USD;
- conduct secure correspondence and make secure video calls;
- exchange digital units of one type to another.
1 Members of the System owning Alias passport who manage their purses using WM Keeper WinPro or WM Keeper WebPro, can not transfer funds: it is recommended to obtain a Formal passport.
Members of the System who manage their purses using WM Keeper Standard have maximum financial restrictions, and because of this are recommended to obtain a Formal passport, as well as enabling WM Keeper WinPro or WM Keeper WebPro to manage their purses .
There are restrictions for some types of title signs.
A formal passport is issued free of charge to participants of the WebMoney system (aged 14 and older) upon submission of personal data, uploading a scanned copy or photo of an identity document, and completing identification in the VideoID format.
Formal WM-Passport allows:
- make transfers to the purses of any system participants;
- top-up purses with bank card or payment, postal order and using money transfer provider;
- withdraw funds using bank card or payment and money transfer provider;
- use service of payments acceptance Merchant WebMoney Transfer in limited mode ;
- leave comments about any web-site;
- use WM Arbitration service in order to initiate claims and complains against other System users;
- comment news of WebMoney Transfer System on "official blog".
You can connect one additional WMID to the formal passport.
List of documents required to obtain a Formal WM-Passport¶
- Passport
- International Passport
- Identity Card
- Driver's License
- Residence Permit
See also:
How to get a formal passport
Formal passport verification
Additional check
- Getting the initial passport after recording and checking VideoID
- Getting an initial passport from a Personalizer
An initial passport is issued to WebMoney Transfer members who have received a formal passport after the verification of their personal (passport) information. Initial passports are not issued to users who have received an initial (or personal) passport before.
Holders of initial passports gain the following additional features provided by the system.More...
You can connect two additional WMID to the initial passport.
When attaching the 3rd additional WM-identifier, the condition becomes mandatory that any of the previously attached WMID`s should have BL level not lower than 20.
Getting the initial passport after recording and checking VideoID¶
This method of obtaining initial passport is available to all participants of the WebMoney Transfer system without restrictions. The cost of obtaining - 1 WMZ. More...
Getting an initial passport from a Personalizer¶
From one of the Persons participating in the Verification Centre Partner Program. The passport cost (minimum 1 WMZ and on average 2–5 WMZ) and passport issuance terms depend on the chosen Verifier. More...
To see, how to receive an initial passport, click here
A personal passport is the main WebMoney Transfer passport. A personal passport is issued to a WebMoney Transfer member who received a formal or initial passport after their personal (passport) data have been verified by one of the Registrars that are participants in the Verification Centre Partner Program. It is impossible to get a personal passport for a second time with the same passport. Both the passport cost (varying from minimum cost of 5 WMZ up to the average cost of 10 – 100 WMZ) and passport issuance conditions depend on the chosen Registrar.
A personal passport holder can use the following opportunities provided by the system:
- to automate funds acceptance from customers using Merchant WebMoney Transfer service interfaces;
- to participate in Credit Exchange operations;
- to participate in Capitaller service operations (to create budget automation tools);
- to apply for Internet resources registration in any Megastock directory sections;
- to participate in the Verification Centre Partner Program by issuing initial passports;
- to publish news on different system websites ("":URL, "":URL etc.);
- to restore WMID control using a simplified control model;
- to get PaySpark debit bank card and to use it to withdraw funds from the system;
- to create trading sites using the DigiSeller service;
- to submit complaints against other system members in the System Arbitration without restrictions;
You can connect four additional WMID to the personal passport.
When attaching the 3rd, 4th or 5th additional WM-identifier, the condition becomes mandatory that any of the previously attached WMID`s should have BL level not lower than 20.
See also Personal passport issuance procedure
To see, how to receive a personal passport, click here
A merchant passport allows you to automatically accept funds via the merchant interface. The merchant passport is issued free of charge to WebMoney Transfer members who already have a personal passport. To receive a Merchant Passport you simply need to register the website where you will be accepting WebMoney in the Megastock catalogue.
A merchant passport is a form of personal passport and has all of the features of such passports without any restrictions.
You can connect nine additional WMID to the merchant passport.
The possibility of accepting payments by means of the Web Merchant Interface is available for users with Initial passport and higher passport, but only in limited mode until a Merchant passport is received.
To see how to receive a merchant passport click here
See also: Merchant passport issuance procedure
A Capitaller passport is issued free of charge to a personal passport holder that has registered a new budget automation tool in the Capitaller service.
Capitaller passport is one of the personal passport forms and therefore has all capabilities of this passport without any restrictions.
Transact Automation Tool passport is a form of personal passport issued for representatives of legal entities for self-integration of their software and WebMoney services with the help of XML-interfaces.
See also:
Transact Automation Tool registration
Restoring Access to the Transact Automation Tool
A developer passport is issued free of charge to a personal passport holder that develops WebMoney Transfer technology-based software on WebMoney Transfer request or in collaboration with WebMoney Transfer specialists. (Using standard WebMoney Transfer interfaces should not be deemed as grounds to obtain a developer passport.)
To get the passport an applicant should contact WebMoney Support Service by e-mail specifying the following issues:
- a list of previously developed products;
- a detailed description of the project;
- reasons for obtaining a developer passport.
A developer passport is one of the personal passport forms and therefore has all capabilities of this passport without any restrictions.
A Registrar WM-Passport has the highest status compared to other WM-Passports issued to WebMoney Transfer members.
Registrar WM-Passport can be issued only to Persona WM-Passport holders if following requirements are met.
Requirements for Registrar WM-Passport issuance:
- applicant age must be above 25 years
- no less than 3 years since receiving of Personal passport
- business level not less that 100
- office premises (personal or rent) availiablity, which has open access for applicants to conduct interview and to submit WM-Passport issuane documents
- interview with a representative of the Verification Center (in the format of a video interview or in person in Moscow, Russian Federation)
- payment of an application fee for obtaining of the WM-Passport in amount of 100 WMZ
- guarantee deposit in total amount of 3000 WMZ
A Registrar WM-Passport holder can act as an arbitrator of the Arbitration Service.
Before you contact WM-Passport Service Center, you need to read carefully "Contract of Delegation" and "WebMoney Transfer Passport issuance Regulations" (those documents can be found here If there are no more questions left, after reading those documents, and the whole point of WM-Passport issuance procedure is clear, you may contact WM-Passport Service Center administrator with query for Registrar WM-Passport issuance, where you need to specify the city where you can provide issuance services. It is necessary to discuss terms of personal meeting with WM-Passport Service administrator beforehand.
Special Passports¶
WebMoney Transfer also supports special passports issued to WebMoney Transfer guarantors and services, including:
Service passport.
Various business-oriented unattended services deployed in the system permit system members to build cost-efficient models, raise start-up capital, automate settlements, account transactions, convert funds of different types, etc.
Additional service features maximize user-friendliness and safety for settlements between system members and make them consider WebMoney Transfer as the versatile technology-based business environment.
Guarantor passport.
Guarantors ensure the depositing/withdrawing of funds to/from the system under the instructions of holders of WM purses to the respective type. To obtain the guarantor status, an applicant (individual or legal entity) must provide financial and legal collateral for the exchange of title units issued by it for the declared amount of tangible assets, and finance for the system upgrade to account for the units of a created type.
The system specifies the following main requirements to guarantors: 100% reserve of assets accounted with WebMoney title units, and exchange of WebMoney title units to the equivalent quantity of assets of this type upon the customer’s request. Particular methods used to build depositing/withdrawing model must meet the above requirements depending on the jurisdiction, local banking system, legal and financial status of system guarantors.
Operator passport.
The operator is in charge of the organizational and technical integrity of the system, its uninterrupted operation, and the accounting of all transactions conducted over the system. Currently, the operator is WMT LLC, which is WebMoney Transfer's developer, owner and administrator. The operator also develops, deploys and ensures the smooth running of system services, besides updating and releasing WM Keeper. The operator supports the registration of new guarantors on the system, arranges their interaction with users, maintains system reporting and provides users with statistical data for each guarantor and general system activity. The operator is responsible for issues related to the security and integrity of all information on the system. Additionally, it provides technical support to users and provides them with self-management interfaces.
See also: WM Passport, Multiple WMIDs per a passport