Limits for payments acceptance via Web Merchant Interface

System participants with a formal passport can automate funds acceptance from clients while using Merchant WebMoney Transfer service interfaces in limited mode. It is necessary for formal passport to have verified mobile phone number and uploaded and verified copy of your ID or TIN in it (not necessary for passports of higher levels).

Limiting mode allows to switch purse in Merchant WebMoney Transfer service from test mode to operating mode without registration of purses in Megastock catalog and without getting merchant passport.

The limit data is sufficient to begin using the service in operative mode, to see how it works with real payments from external users of the system and to start accepting small, irregular or non-commercial payments, gifts, contributions, etc.

The current value of the limit is displayed in the settings of every purse.

If you plan on using the service for commercial purposes, then you should immediately get a Merchant passport. Then all the limits will be removed and the funds acceptance will take place in unlimited mode.

The settings for accepting WebMoney are described in the article:Two Simple Steps to Accept WebMoney Payments

The following limits apply to funds acceptance in automatic mode:

For Formal Passport with verified mobile phone number and uploaded and verified copy of your ID or TIN in it

type of wm-currency daily weekly monthly
WMZ 200 500 1000
WME 140 375 750
WMG 7 21 42
WMX 50 110 210
WMD 200 500 1000
WMH 210 530 1050
WML 2410 6010 12020
WMF 250 550 1050
WMT 200 500 1000

For Initial or higher Passport

type of wm-currency daily weekly monthly
WMZ 600 1500 3000
WME 420 1125 2250
WMG 21 63 126
WMX 130 310 620
WMD 600 1500 3000
WMH 630 1570 3140
WML 7220 18030 36060
WMF 650 1550 3100
WMT 600 1500 3000

In addition to these restrictions, the following limits apply:

* For WMZ/WMT purses, the amount of one payment from Russian bank cards:

  • not be more than the amount equivalent to 300 WMZ/WMT at the exchange rate of the system.

The limits apply to all types of WM Title units.

Attention! System participants whose merchant passport is revoked for any reason have 90 days to return to the MegaStock catalogue. If the merchant did not return to the MegaStock service catalogue during this period, the limited mode of funds acceptance will be activated for him.

Also limiting mode available for purses, which weren't registered in Megastock catalog although merchant passport already been obtained and other purses were already registered.

To cancel the limits you should obtain a merchant passport.

See also:
Accepting funds
Merchant WebMoney Transfer