Index by title
- Budget automation tool
- Capitaller
- Automating the processes of making and receiving payments
- BA application
- BA registration for companies
- Budget Automation tool use example
- Adding funds to BA purses from an operating account
- Automating acceptance of payments on the BA site
- Automating BA expenses operations
- Automating outgoing transactions from BA purses
- Carrying out exchange operations in BA
- Changing BA requisites
- Changing the BA manager
- Configuring notifications in BA
- Connecting a BA to WebMoney services
- Distributing and buying shares when creating a BA
- Distributing BA dividends
- Generating receipts and expenses articles
- Generating reports in BA
- Increasing the BA management fund
- Making payments from BA management fund purses
- Making payments from BA purses
- Making payments with "countersigning"
- Ordering reporting documents in BA
- Receiving the right to use a WMID in the interests of a legal person
- Registering a BA site in the MegaStock catalogue
- Specifying BA personnel
- The procedure of creating a BA
- The procedure of making mass payments within the BA
- Withdrawing BA funds to the operating account
- Changes in the Budget Automation tool operation
- Changing the funds distribution scheme for an income purse
- Creating a BA
- Liquidating a BA
- Main terms and capabilities
- Preparing a BA for operation
- Scheme of funds transfer
- Service description
- Change of administrator for Capitaller registered by the simplified scheme
- List of documents to receive the right to use a BA WMID in the interests of a legal person
- Shareholder
All content: 46 pages.