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Exchanger Service XML API
WM Exchanger Service provides XML-interfaces (API) for automation of the trading process.
XML interfaces are basically text message interfaces that send data via HTTPS protocol to special certification web servers of the system. Data is sent in the XML format with help of special module for authentication of WM Keeper WinPro key files or standard certificates x.509 (WM Keeper WebPro certificates).
Interfaces using WM Keeper WinPro authentication are located at - for XML querys and for JSON querys . Interfaces using WM Keeper WebPro certificate authentication are located at - for XML querys and for JSON querys.
In case WM Keeper WinPro authentication is used, the request submitted to the certification server passes a signature created by WMSigner. The signature is sent in the parameter: <signstr>...</signstr>.
In case WM Keeper WinPro authentication is used, the request submitted to the certification server passes a signature created in the same manner as for https interfaces. The signature is sent in the parameter:
In case WM Keeper WebPro authentication is used, WM Keeper WebPro certificate is used when connecting to the server: In this case the <signstr>...</signstr> and <wmid>...</wmid> parameters are not used.
Regardless of the authentication type, requests have similar format and differ only in the method of creation and transmission of signature. Below you will find samples of requests:
Structure of a request based on WM Keeper WinPro authentication (signature is created using WMSigner)
<wm.exchanger.request> <wmid></wmid> - WMID of the signer <signstr></signstr> - signature created using WMSigner <request_type> ... - request parameters </request_type> </w3s.request>
Structure of a request based on WM Keeper WebPro certificate authentication (Parameters wmid and sign should not be used; WMID's certificate should be used to connect to the server). You will find more information on certificates at
<wm.exchanger.request> <request_type> ... - request params </request_type> </wm.exchanger.request>
In responding to a request, the server determines the data that needs to be returned. The structure of a response does not depend on the authentication type. Below you will find a sample response structure:
<wm.exchanger.response> <retval></retval> - error code: 0 - successfully performed <retdesc></retdesc> - error description if retval != 0 </wm.exchanger.response>
Please note that when using these interfaces (as well as all the other pages of it is unacceptable to send requests with identical parameteres more often that once a minute. If suchlike actions are detected and continue for a long period of time, we reserve the right to limit or suspend the access to the interfaces, as well as to the website in general, for these persons.
The following interfaces can be used by online businesses:
- WMSigner authentication module
- Getting current available exchange volumes
- Receiving information about current bids
- New bid to exchange placement
- Receiving history of exchange rates
- Receiving list of new bids for the specific WMID
- Reviewing the counter bids of the specific WMID
- Removing the new bid
- Changing the exchange rate of the new bid
- Combining two new bids
- Buying-up from one’s own new bid the other person's new bid which is opposite to the exchange direction
- Receiving list of counter bids according to the specific NEW bid
- Dividing of the new bid into two
- Getting balance of all bids by purse types