Exchanger WMID Balance

This API allow to recive informations about balance for current wmid in WN Exchanger section.

name purpose comments
wmid Signer's WMID WMID for which you need to receive the balance.
signstr Request signature. 132-digits digital signature (by .kwm keys of the wmid) encoding the value of three tags of the request, pulled together in one line without spaces, "wmid + capitallerwmid + reqn"
reqn Request number An integer without delimiter, max 18 digits;
capitallerwmid optional field if Capitaller’s WMID is being transferred in this field ( the exchange bid on behalf of capitallerwmid may be set under this request. In this case there must be an access for WMID which signs the request which is described at Capitaller’s Impersonalization page.
  • Response format:
<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
    <WMExchnagerBalances wmid="">
        <Balance pursetype_id ="" pursetype="" comissrest=""></Balance>
  • Response parameters
Name Purpose Description
WMExchnagerBalances Response tag
wmid attribute - wmid for which you need to receive a balance
Balance purse balance
pursetype_id attribute - the digital designation of WM purse by which current balance from all applications has been summirized
pursetype attribute - the symbolic designation of WM purse by which current balance from all applications has been summirized (Z, E, e.t.c)
comissrest attribute - the remaining balance which was not included in the fee calculation for the previous transactions will be accounted for the next transaction on a purse of this type
retval Execution code "0" means that the request was executed successfully. Check the execution code table for detailed information;
retdesc Execution code description error description in case retval tag is not 0
  • Example
<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>

<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
    <WMExchnagerBalances wmid=\"500000000008\">
        <Balance pursetype_id =\"1\" pursetype=\"R\" comissrest=\"0,002845\">506,64</Balance>