Web Merchant Interface - Acceptance of payments from bank cards of Russian banks

Activating this option in the Merchant WebMoney settings lets you accept payments from customers who are NOT clients of WebMoney Transfer through internet-acquiring. From the standpoint of the seller's accounting system these payments are accepted the same way as payments from clients with a WebMoney purse, except for several aspects that are described below.

From the customer's standpoint, payment by bank card consists of the following steps:

  • in the process of making a purchase on the seller's site, when the customer reaches the stage of selecting the payment method, they select WebMoney and press on the button for sending the payment form, which takes them to the Merchant.WebMoney site;
  • next on the Merchant.WebMoney site the customer selects "bank card" as the payment method and is redirected to a page to enter a phone number;

(The payment form can be configured so the payer will be IMMEDIATELY taken to the option to pay by bank card without making an intermediate choice. It is useful to configure the form this way if the merchant's site has special instructions and a separate button to pay with a bank card);

  • after entering the phone number correctly (which is necessary to receive the confirmation code), the customer is redirected to the acquirer partner's site to make the payment;
  • on the partner's site (provided they are fully certified according to PCI DSS), the customer enters their card information and E-mail. If it passes the acquirer's anti-fraud check, the sum of the trading account becomes reserved (preauthorized) on the card;
  • the customer returns to the Merchant.WebMoney site to finish the payment where they must enter the code sent to their mobile phone. The amount is deducted from the card only if the code is entered correctly. Thus every time funds are deducted from the card, it is tested and proven that the funds were deducted from the card using the phone number;
  • to finish the payment process, just like when making a regular payment through WM Keeper the customer is redirected to a page that notifies them of whether the payment went through successfully on the merchant's site (Success_URL) or if it was declined (Fail_URL).

Regardless of whether or not the merchant works through the processing service or accepts funds to their purse via Merchant WebMoney Transfer, they are not responsible for paying the acquirer's commission. It is rather added to the total of the bill.


Note that the seller does not acquire the merchant status in the terminology of international payment systems. From the legal standpoint funds from the card are deducted when the customer acquires a WM check, which they use to pay in the store. Therefore sellers are protected from charge-backs as it is usually understood in contracts between the store and the acquirer. Neither WebMoney contracts nor the processing contract make a provision for one-sided payment recall, and this rule is also effective for payment acceptance from cards. On the other hand, customers’ complaints about a store will be reviewed by the WebMoney Arbitration within the framework of the system's Codex. As part of this service all payment refunds are also carried out in order and by the rules of the WebMoney system.

  • Sellers can independently enable WebMoney acceptance by bank cards in the purse settings on the Merchant.WebMoney website. The request will be reviewed by the system and the acquirer which will take up to several working days. The seller is notified of the result by e-mail. You can view the result by going to merchant.wmtransfer.com, and on the settings page for the selected Z-purse and T-purse, you can view the status of "Acceptance of payments through bank cards." If this payment option is activated, it is available.
  • For sellers working through the processing service to activate this option you should contact the manager of the company with which you signed a contract.

This option of payment acceptance is not available to:

  • Payment integrators who accept payments for third persons;
  • Financial services, exchange services, or sellers of any financial tools;

When activating this option it is very important to provide a correct description of the payment procedure on the seller's site because it is intended for people who are not WebMoney users. You have to highlight this point separately create your own description of the procedure on the store's site and include screenshots. If this option is highlighted and described separately on the seller's site the audience of payers can be significantly increased.

Besides it is necessary to notify the customer about the time period allotted by the seller to pay for the product ordered through this method, and the procedure for submitting complaints.

Important technical points:

  • If the customer selected the option to pay by bank card on the seller's site they can be immediately redirected to the corresponding payment method. This is done by entering the value at=authtype_16 in the GET parameter of the payment form. When sending the payment form on the URL https://merchant.wmtransfer.com/lmi/payment.asp?at=authtype_16 the customer will have to choose one of several payment options, but will be immediately redirected to the first page of the process described above.
  • Payments can only be accepted to WMZ purses and WMT purses from cards of Russian banks;
  • Using this option, a payment to the seller's purse ALWAYS arrives with the system ID WMID#324818008246 (LMI_PAYER_WM parametr);
  • All notifications about payments, formats of transferring information and etc. remain unchangeable just as if the payment were being made with WM Keeper WinPro or WM Keeper WebPro, and in exactly the same way, notifications about the payment (its result - success or failure) also contain the WM ID and WM purse. The only difference is that instead of the client's ID and purse, the ID and purse displayed are the system's, specified above;

All refunds for this service are carried out in accordance with the rules of the WebMoney System.

See also:
Web Merchant Interface
Merchant WebMoney Transfer
Two Simple Steps to Accept WebMoney Payments
Paying for products and services using the Merchant service