WebMoney Keeper Standard financial restrictions

The following restrictions apply to users of WM Keeper Standard whom have not enabled WM Keeper WinPro or WM Keeper WebPro. These restrictions only apply to wallets automatically created within their WM Keeper Standard account:

1 The maximum amount of funds on a user`s WM wallets, provided that the user`s mobile number has been verified and the option of confirming transactions with SMS or E-NUM has been activated, cannot exceed the following:

WM currency type alias passport formal passport initial passport personal passport merchant passport and above
WMZ 300 10 000 30 000 n2 -
WME 300 10 000 30 000 60 000 -
WMG 63 300 1 000 15 000 -
WMX 15 000 30 000 600 000 6 000 000 -
WMS depending on the identification level7
WMH 150 000 300 000 6 000 000 60 000 000 -
WML 4500 4500 90000 900000 900000
WMF 75 000 150 000 3 000 000 30 000 000 -
WMT 300 10 000 30 000 n2 -

2 If a cell does not display any figures it means that there is no set limit.

2 The following limits apply to expenditure transactions when a user`s mobile number linked to their WM Keeper Standard is verified and the confirmation of transactions with SMS or E-NUM is enabled:

Passport Type - Alias

WM Currency Type Monthly Limit Weekly Limit Daily Limit
WMZ 500 300 100
WME 500 300 100
WMG 126 63 21
WMX 30 000 15 000 6 000
WMS depending on the identification level7
WMH 300 000 150 000 60 000
WML 9000 4500 1800
WMF 150 000 75 000 30 000
WMT 500 300 100

Passport Type - Formal

WM Currency Type Monthly Limit Weekly Limit Daily Limit
WMZ 15 000 10 000 3 000
WME 15 000 10 000 3 000
WMG 500 300 100
WMX 60 000 30 000 12 000
WMS depending on the identification level7
WMH 6 000 000 3 000 000 1 200 000
WML 9000 4500 1800
WMF 300 000 150 000 60 000
WMT 15 000 10 000 3 000

Passport Type - Initial

WM Currency Type Monthly Limit Weekly Limit Daily Limit
WMZ 60 000 30 000 12 000
WME 60 000 30 000 12 000
WMG 2 000 1 000 500
WMX 1 200 000 600 000 240 000
WMS depending on the identification level7
WMH 12 000 000 6 000 000 2 400 000
WML 180000 90000 36000
WMF 6 000 000 3 000 000 1 200 000
WMT 60 000 30 000 12 000

Passport Type - Personal

WM Currency Type Monthly Limit Weekly Limit Daily Limit
WMZ - - -
WME - - -
WMG 30 000 15 000 5 000
WMX 6 000 000 6 000 000 2 400 000
WMS depending on the identification level7
WMH 60 000 000 60 000 000 24 000 000
WML 900000 900000 360000
WMF 30 000 000 30 000 000 12 000 000
WMT - - -

Passport Type - Merchant and higher

WM Currency Type Monthly Limit Weekly Limit Daily Limit
WMZ - - -
WME - - -
WMG - - -
WMX - - -
WMS depending on the identification level7
WMH - - -
WML 900000 900000 360000
WMF - - -
WMT - - -

If you want to increase your existing limits, you need to enable WM Keeper WinPro or WM Keeper WebPro. This can be done in the following steps:

  • After completing the required steps you will be able to change the limits set for your Keeper Standard wallets by default. To change the limits, you need to log in to the Security Service with Keeper WinPro or Keeper WebPro.

The Daily Limit is a maximum limit on fund transfers from a current wallet, which cannot be exceeded within a current day. For example, if a wallet has a maximum limit set at 1 WMZ and a transfer of 1 WMZ was made from the wallet on the 24th of January 2011 at 23:59, it means that the next time when a transfer of the same amount can be made is no earlier than the 25th of January 2011 at 00:00, as it is when the calculation of the next day after the day the previous transfer was made will start.

The Weekly Limit is a maximum limit on fund transfers from a current wallet, which cannot be exceeded within a current week. For example, if a wallet has a maximum limit set at 1 WMZ and a transfer of 1 WMZ was made from the wallet on the 26th of January 2011 at 23:59, it means that the next time when a transfer of the same amount can be made is no earlier than the 30th of January 2011 at 00:00, as the 30th of January 2011 is the first day of the week from the day the transfer was made. Please note that for the calculation purposes, a week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.

The Monthly Limit is the maximum limit on fund transfers from a current wallet, which cannot be exceeded within a current month. For example, if a wallet has a maximum limit set at 1 WMZ and a transfer of 1 WMZ was made from the wallet on the 24th of January 2011 at 23:59, it means that the next time when a transfer of the same amount can be made is no earlier than the 01st of February 2011 at 00:00, as the 1st of February 2011 is the first day of the month following the day of the transfer.

You can find out about your limits and your spending statistic within your wallet`s properties. Simply click "More" button and select "Limits" from the menu.

7 The limit increases after passing the identification

WM Currency Type minimum one-time payment maximum one-time payment
WMS 1 000 1 000 330 000 10 000 000

UNIP - un-identified WMS purse
IP - identified WMS purse

See also:
Operation modes
Adding WM Keeper WinPro to WM Keeper Standard
Financial restrictions applied to the members of the System