Interface X15

Interface X15. Viewing and changing settings of "by trust" management.

This interface is available only to registered clients. If you are owner of Merchant passport and use, then to view and change "trust" settings of the purse in working mode you can use this interface without additional registration. Otherwise you have to register by sending via internal mail a message to "WMID 941977853154" (Technical support) short information about your project, URL of your web-site, IP-address from which requests will be sent, purpose and method the interface will be used. The Keeper signing requests must have Personal passport (requests can be processed up to 3 working days).

The interface allows viewing and, if necessary, changing current trust settings in the WebMoney Security service for WM-identifier making the request. This interface will be useful for services building business logic on the basis of trust management principles (which provide collective management of means on common purses and avoid using keys or certificates from WM-identifiers storing "main funds" of service, etc).

Requests using WM Keeper WinPro authorization should be sent to:




Requests using WM Keeper WebPro authorization should be sent to:




1 XMLTrustList.asp - retrieving list of purses, which the identifier making the request trusts.

  • Request format:
  • Request parameters:
name purpose comments
reqn Request number An integer, maximum 15 digits; It must always be greater than the number of previous request!
wmid Signer's WMID Is used only with WM Keeper WinPro authorization method
sign Request signature It takes the following parameters: gettrustlist\wmid+reqn used only with WM Keeper WinPro authorization method
gettrustlist\wmid WMID The tag contains WM-identifier, for which trust list must be retrieved. The list retrieved by the request will be the same as the list, which can be received when authorizing manually by this identifier in the Actually, in the request wmid and gettrustlist\wmid identifiers must coincide as the request can be signed only by the identifier, by which the list must be retrieved.
  • Response format:
    <trustlist cnt="n"> 
        <trust id="" inv="0/1" trans="0/1" purse="0/1" transhist="0/1">
  • Response parameters:
name purpose comments
reqn request number
retval execution code 0 - request was successful, the interface returns the same error codes as Interface X2.
retdesc execution code description
trustlist trust list the list of trusted purses of WM-identifier, gettrustlist\wmid and the corresponding master identifiers, n - the number of purses in the returned list
trust trust parameters id attribute - unique trust number in WebMoney system
inv attribute - the identifier is allowed (1) or not (0) in the master tag copying accounts to the trusted purse, which belongs to the gettrustlist\wmid
trans attribute - the identifier is allowed (1) or not (0) specified in the master tag to transfer funds on trust from a trusted purse, which belongs to the gettrustlist\wmid_
purse attribute - the identifier is allowed (1) or not (0) in the master tag to view balance on trusted purse, which belongs to gettrustlist\wmid
transhist attribute - the identifier is allowed (1) or not (0) in the master tag to view history of transfers of the purse, which belongs to the gettrustlist\wmid
trust\master Trusted WMID the identifier is trusted to make any actions with the purse
trust\purse trusted purse purse, which belongs to the gettrustlist\wmid over whom master identifier is allowed to take any actions.
trust\daylimit daily limit money limit which master identifier is allowed to transfer from the purse during a day. For example, for the purse and master identifier daily limit is set to 1 WMZ, master identifier on 24 January 2007 at 23:59 made a transfer on trust from the purse equal to 1 WMZ. It means that next time the master identifier can make equal transfer not earlier than 25 January 2007 23:59.
trust\dlimit day limit money limit which the specified master identifier is allowed to transfer from the purse during the current day. For example, for the purse and master identifier daily limit is set to 1 WMZ, master identifier on 24 January 2007 at 23:59 made a transfer on trust from the purse equal to 1 WMZ. It means that next time the master identifier can make equal transfer only after 25 January 2007 00:00, as 25 January is next day different from completion date of the previous transaction.
trust\wlimit weekly limit money limit which the specified master identifier is allowed to transfer during the current week. For example, for the purse and master identifier weekly limit is set to 1 WMZ, master identifier on 24 January 2007 at 23:59 made a transfer on trust from the purse equal to 1 WMZ. It means that next time the master identifier can make equal transfer only on 28 January 2007 at 00:00, as 28th January is first day of the next week different from the week when the previous transaction was completed. Keep in mind that a week starts in British (American) manner on Sunday not Monday and ends on Saturday.
trust\mlimit monthly limit money limit which the specified master identifier is allowed to transfer during the current month. For example, for the purse and master identifier monthly limit is set to 1 WMZ, master identifier on 24 January 2007 at 23:59 made a transfer on trust from the purse equal to 1 WMZ. It means that next time the master identifier can make equal transfer only on 1 February 2007 at 00:00, as 1st February is the first day of the next month different from the month when the previous transaction was completed.
trust\dsum daily sum total sum of already completed transactions by master indentifier from purse for the same day, month and year specified in comletion date of the previous transaction on trust - lastsumdate.
trust\wsum weekly sum total sum of already completed transactions by master indentifier from purse for the same week and year, specified in comletion date of the previous transaction on trust - lastsumdate.
trust\msum monthly sum total sum of already completed transactions by master indentifier from purse for the same month and year, specified in comletion date of the previous transaction on trust - lastsumdate.
trust\lastsumdate date of the last transcaction the date when master identifier made the last transaction on trust from purse.
trust\storeswmid limitiation by WMID If this field is not empty then the given trust direction functions in limitied mode. This tag contains 12 digits of the only WMID to which transactions with the given trust can be performed. This tag appears if the user had set the trust not by himself at but via SMS- or USSD-confirmation (X12 interface). If this limitation is active, funds can't be transfered from to any other WMID, but only to the WMID specified in this tag. To disable the limitation the customer should remove the trust at by himself and create a new one without any limitations.

2 XMLTrustList2.asp - retrieving the list of identifiers and their purses which trust the identifier making the request.
This interface is different from the XMLTrustList2.asp interface only by wmid and gettrustlist\wmid identifiers in the request,which should NOT coincide. The interface for the wmid identifier wmid (who signs the request) the list of identifier purses gettrustlist\wmid, which wmid identifier can control. By other attributes and request format this interface is the same as the previous interface.

3 XMLTrustSave2 - Creating or editing trust settings for a certain purse or identifier

  • Request format:
    <sign>wmid + trust\purse + trust\masterwmid + reqn</sign>
    <trust inv="" trans="" purse="" transhist="">
  • Request parameters:
name purpose comments
reqn request number an integer, maximum 15 digits; it must always be greater than the number of previous request!
wmid Signer's WMID Used only with WM Keeper WinPro authorization method
sign Request signature takes the following parameters: wmid, purse, masterwmid, reqn; used only with WM Keeper WinPro authorization method
trust trust parameters inv attribute - allow (1) or not (0) the identifier in the masterwmid tag to make out accounts to the trusted purse, which belongs to the slavewmid
trans attribute - allow (1) or not (0) the identifier in the masterwmid tag to transfer funds on trust from the trusted purse, which belongs to slavewmid
purse attribute - allow (1) or not (0) the identifier in the masterwmid tag to view balance for the trusted purse, which belongs to slavewmid
transhist attribute - allow (1) or not (0) the identifier in the masterwmid tag to view history of transactions for the purse, which belongs to slavewmid.
trust\masterwmid WMID this tag contains WM-identifier whom slavewmid allows/disallows (depending on the attributes in the trust tag) by this request to control his/her slavepurse.
trust\slavewmid WMID this tag contains WM-identifier, who trusts masterwmid by this request (depending on the attributes in the trust tag) to control his/her slavepurse. Actually, wmid and slavewmid must be the same, as this request can be signed only by the identifier who can set trust limits for his/her purses.
trust\purse purse this tag contains purse number, which belongs to slavewmid for which trust setting are applied, the essence of which is defined by the trust tag attributes.
trust\limit daily limit money limit which master identifier is allowed to transfer from the purse during a day. For example, for the purse and master identifier daily limit is set to 1 WMZ, master identifier on 24 January 2007 at 23:59 made a transfer on trust from the purse equal to 1 WMZ. It means that next time the master identifier can make equal transfer not earlier than 25 January 2007 23:59.
trust\daylimit day limit money limit which the specified master identifier is allowed to transfer from the purse during the current day. For example, for the purse and master identifier daily limit is set to 1 WMZ, master identifier on 24 January 2007 at 23:59 made a transfer on trust from the purse equal to 1 WMZ. It means that next time the master identifier can make equal transfer only after 25 January 2007 00:00, as 25 January is next day different from completion date of the previous transaction.
trust\weeklimit weekly limit money limit which the specified master identifier is allowed to transfer during the current week. For example, for the purse and master identifier weekly limit is set to 1 WMZ, master identifier on 24 January 2007 at 23:59 made a transfer on trust from the purse equal to 1 WMZ. It means that next time the master identifier can make equal transfer only on 28 January 2007 at 00:00, as 28th January is first day of the next week different from the week when the previous transaction was completed. Keep in mind that a week starts in British (American) manner on Sunday not Monday and ends on Saturday.
trust\monthlimit monthly limit money limit which the specified master identifier is allowed to transfer during the current month. For example, for the purse and master identifier monthly limit is set to 1 WMZ, master identifier on 24 January 2007 at 23:59 made a transfer on trust from the purse equal to 1 WMZ. It means that next time the master identifier can make equal transfer only on 1 February 2007 at 00:00, as 1st February is the first day of the next month different from the month when the previous transaction was completed.
  • Response format:
    <trust id="" inv="0/1" trans="0/1" purse="0/1" transhist="0/1" msghist="0" msg="0">
  • Response parameters:
name purpose comments
reqn request number
retval execution code 0 - request was successful, the interface returns the same error codes as Interface X2.
retdesc execution code description
trust trust parameters id attribute - unique trust number in WebMoney system
inv attribute - allows (if 1) the identifier specified in master tag to issue invoices to the trusted purse specified purse or not (if 0)
trans attribute - allows (if 1) the identifier specified in master tag to transfer funds by trust from the trusted purse sepcified in purse or not (if 0)
purse attribute - allows (if 1) the identifier specified in 'master' tag to view the account balance of the trusted purse specified in 'purse' or not (if 0).
transhist attribute - allows (if 1) the identifier specified in 'master' tag to view the history of operations of the purse specified in 'purse' or not (if 0).
msghist and msg attributes are always assigned (0)
purse trusted purse he purse, any operations with which are forbidden (allowed) to the identifier specified in master
master Trusted WMID WM-identifier for which it is forbidden (allowed) to perform any operations with the purse specified in purse
  • Execution/Error Codes
Code description
177 the option of confirmation of operations is enabled for the WMID the settings of which are trying to be changed. Such request cannot be executed. The owner of the WMID can add the necessary WMID to the trusted list at the corresponding page of the Security service web-site.

See also XML-interfaces