WebMoney Keeper WebPro (Light) security tips

  • Install the personal certificate. For Internet Explorer, install the certificate in the "strong private key protection".
  • Enable IP blocking. If the blocking is enabled and if there is an attempt to the web-application from the IP-address not in the white list the access will be denied, and a message containing the unlock code will be sent to the email or the phone specified when adjusting the blocking. If you have any difficulties defining your IP-address use the tooltip at IP Blocking page. Choose to send the unlock code to the phone, not to the e-mail.
  • Set up WM Keeper WebPro transactions confirmation using the Enum or SMS service.
  • The service will inform you via a convenient communication channel (email, sms, telegram) about the incoming or outgoing transactions, new incoming invoices, new messages or when WM Keeper WebPro (Light) is launched.
  • Shut down WM Keeper WebPro correctly. If you use the application on a single PC make sure that the certificate has been saved in the non-exportable "strong private key protection" mode, protected with the password that is required on each launch of the application. When working with WM Keeper WebPro on another person’s PC, delete the certificate from the certificate storage and close all browser windows. Or use the confirmation of operations using the Enum service.
