Interface X8

Interface X8. Retrieving information about purse ownership. Searching for system user by identifier or purse.

This interface is available only to registered users. This interface is available only to registered clients. This interface is only available for registered clients who also added X2 interface

  • Request parameters:
name purpose comments
reqn request number an integer without delimiter, max number of digits is 15; the value must always be greater than the number of the previous request !!!
wmid WMID of the user who signed the request used only when authorizing WM Keeper WinPro keys
sign request signature is formed from the following: testwmpurse\wmid + testwmpurse\purse used only when authorizing WM Keeper WinPro keys
testwmpurse request parameters depending on the search, the user can specify both one or both parameters. possible combinations are given in the table below
testwmpurse\wmid WM identifier 12 digits
testwmpurse\purse purse the first character is one of the following: Z,E,B,G,C,D,X,K,L,H,F,T followed by 12 digits
  • Response format:
            <wmid available="-1" themselfcorrstate="-1" newattst="-1"> </wmid>
            <purse merchant_active_mode="-1" blockedinByPT="0" ByPTLimit="" deleted_flag="0"  merchant_allow_cashier="-1"></purse>
  • Response parameters:
name purpose comments
reqn request number
retval request (search) execution code 1 - search successful, 0 - no entries found
retdesc description of request execution code
testwmpurse response parameters possible values of the returned parameters are specified in the table below
testwmpurse\wmid WM identifier which is being searched for if the search is successful (the WM identifier exists), it is equal to the WM identifier in question. If not, then it will return an empty value.
For all of these and the following attributes, "-1" means that the parameter's state was not found.
The available attribute, if "1", means that ALL incoming operations (direct payments, invoice payments, merchant.webmoney payments, X2 interface payments) are forbidden for ALL purses for the WM identifier that has been searched for.
The themselfcorrstate attribute is a decimal representation of whether the user for the WM identifier that is being searched for has allowed or forbidden the acceptance of payments, messages and invoices from NONcorrespondents. Payments are indicated by the fourth bit from the right, so the decimal value 0 (binary 0000) means that the user has not set any restrictions, while the value of 8 (binary 1000) means that the user has forbidden incoming payments to the user's purses from NONcorrespondents.
The newattst attribute is passport type for the WM identifier being searched for from the X11 interface.
testwmpurse\purse the purse searched for if the search is successful (the purse exists or belongs to the specified WM identifier), it is equal to the specified purse.
For the merchant_active_mode attribute, "1" means that for the WM purse in question, payment acceptance through merchant.webmoney has been enabled. If the WM identifer also has a ban on incoming payments from NONcorresopndents in the themselfcorrstate attribute, then making direct payments (including through X2) to the purse is forbidden, and payments to this purse may be made only if the WM identifer has issued an invoice or through merchant.webmoney.
For the merchant_allow_cashier attribute, "1" means that for the purse in question, payment acceptance through cash terminals to merchant.webmoney is enabled, and making direct payments to the purse (including through the X2 interface) is forbidden, and payments may be made to the purse only if the WMID has issued an invoice or through merchant.webmoney.
blockedinByPT - a sign of a purse blocked by the guarantor only for top-ups (0 not blocked, 1 blocked, -1 - not defined, maybe not found);
ByPTLimit - the size of the limit on withdrawal of funds from a purse of this type, set by the guarantor
deleted_flag - a sign of a removed purse (0 not removed, 1 removed, -1 not defined, maybe not found)

Please note that if you are an X2 interface user, the attributes described above allow avoid payment attempts in advance in cases when the recipient of a payment is not expecting the payment (any direct payments which are not for an invoice or through merchant.webmoney). Most often this concerns merchants of goods and services for whom all incoming transactions are automated, and any direct payments which the merchant does not expect are categorically forbidden.

  • Possible variants of using queries for various search tasks
search task passed parameters search result/retval value returned parameters
search by identifier wmid found/1 wmid
not found/0
search by purse purse found/1 wmid
not found/0 purse
does the purse belong to the identifier wmid/purse the purse belongs to the identifier/1 wmid
the purse does not belong to the identifier/1 wmid
identifier is not registered/0

See also XML interfaces
How to check whether the specified WMID exists