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Interface X11
Interface X11. Retrieving information from client's passport by WM-identifier.¶
- Requests should be sent to -
- Method - POST
- Encoding - utf-8
- Request format:
<request> <wmid></wmid> <passportwmid></passportwmid> <sign></sign> <params> <dict></dict> <info></info> <mode></mode> </params> </request>
- Request parameters:
name | purpose | comments |
wmid | Signer's WM-identifier. Only WM Keeper WinPro | 12 digits |
passportwmid | Passport's WM-identifier | 12 digits mandatory parameter |
sign | Request signature generated with the help of the WMSigner module | Request signature uses the following parameters: wmid+passportwmid |
params | request parameters | |
params/dict | Show "base dictionary" | According to the structure, some returned values are replaced with special code (for example, formal passport is replaced with value of 110, initial - 120, personal - 130, merchant - 135). The dictionary allows viewing all the values and use them when working with this interface. If dict="1" - then the dictionary is shown. If dict="0"(by default) - the dictionary is not shown. |
params/info | Show personal data of passport's owner (passport data+contact information) | If info="1"(by default) - personal data is displayed. If info="0" - personal data is not displayed. |
params/mode | Verifying ownership of Signer's WM-identifier against the list of trusted identifiers for the verified passport | Each passport owner can add any WM-identifier to the list of trusted identifiers. A trusted identifier gets a possibility to view all passport data even those locked for public viewing. If mode="1" - ownership of Signer's WM-identifier is verified against the list of trusted identifiers for the specified passport. If mode="0"(by default)- ownership is not verified |
The user can use authentication via WM Keeper WinPro keys in request ONLY in case when Signer's WMID is a trusted identifier for the specified passport. To establish trust relationship go to the Verification Center web-site. Trusted WMID can view all personal data about passport owner. Trusting is a voluntary operation made by passport owner, who can add WMIDs to the trusted list or remove them from the list by using a special interface.
If trust relationship was not established between the verified WMID and signer's WMID, then it is possible to specify only the passportwmid parameter. The request structure (presence of all tags described earlier) must not change in any case. Samples of interface call for both cases are given below.
- Full response format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response retval=""> <fullaccess></fullaccess> <certinfo wmid=""> <attestat> <row tid="" recalled="" datecrt="" regnickname="" regwmid="" status="" notary=""/> </attestat> <wmids> <row wmid="" info="" nickname="" datereg="" ctype="" companyname="" companyid=""/> </wmids> <userinfo> <value> <row nickname="" infoopen="" city="" region="" citid="" countryid="" country="" zipcode="" adres="" fname="" iname="" oname="" pnomer="" pdate="" pday="" pmonth="" pyear="" pcountryid="" pcountry="" pcity="" pbywhom="" bplace="" bday="" bmonth="" byear="" phone="" email="" web="" cap_owner="" pasdoc="" inndoc="" sex=""/> </value> <check-lock> <row nickname="" infoopen="" city="" region="" country="" adres="" zipcode="" fname="" iname="" oname="" pnomer="" pdate="" pbywhom="" pcountry="" pcity="" bplace="" bday="" inn="" email="" web="" phone="" sex=""/> </check-lock> <weblist> <row url="" check-lock="" ischeck="" islock=""/> </weblist> <extendeddata> <row type="" account="" check-lock=""/> </extendeddata> </userinfo> </certinfo> </response>
- Response parameters:
name | purpose | comments |
response/@retval | Request execution code | retval=0 - Request successful without any errors retval=1 - Request failed (wrong request format) retval=2 - Request failed (wrong passportwmid parameter) retval=4 - Request failed (Error when verifying signature) retval=11 - Request failed (one of parameters is not specified) |
fullaccess | Indicator of access to passport's restricted fields | If fullaccess=1, the owner of the verified WMID added Signer's WMID to the trusted list and granted full access to his/her personal data. If fullaccess=0, there is no access to the restricted passport fields of the verified WMID. |
response/certinfo | information about passport | |
response/certinfo/@wmid | Passport WM-identifier | |
response/certinfo/directory | Base dictionary | ctype - legal status of passport owner (individual person or legal person) jstatus - status definition for legal person (Director, representative, etc) tid - passport type |
response/certinfo/attestat/row | Information about all issued passports. | |
response/certinfo/attestat/row/@tid | Passport type | tid=100 - alias passport tid=110 - formal passport tid=120 - initial passport tid=130 - personal passport tid=135 - merchant passport tid=136 - capitaller passport, established by a group of individuals tid=137 - capitaller passport, established by a legal person tid=138 - transact automation tool passport tid=140 - developer passport tid=150 - registrar passport tid=170 - guarantor passport. tid=190 - WebMoney Transfer service passport tid=200 - WebMoney Transfer service passport tid=300 - operator passport |
response/certinfo/attestat/row/@cid | attestat number | |
response/certinfo/attestat/row/@recalled | information on the termination of service | recalled=1 - the owner of the passport has been terminated of the system |
response/certinfo/attestat/row/@datecrt | Date and time (UTC+3) when passport was issued | in the following format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmm |
response/certinfo/attestat/row/@dateupd | Date and time (UTC+3) last data change | in the following format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmm |
response/certinfo/attestat/row/@regnickname | Project name, name (nick) of passport issuer who issued this passport | |
response/certinfo/attestat/row/@regwmid | WMID of passport issuer who issued this passport | 12 digits |
response/certinfo/attestat/row/@status | signs of passing a secondary checks | only initial and higher passports 10 - failed 11 - passed |
response/certinfo/attestat/row/@notary | the feature of obtaining of the passport | only initial and higher passports 0- passport issued after personal meeting with the passport`s issuer (installed only after secondary checks) 1- passport issued by a notarized documents (set only after secondary checks) 2- passport is given automatically after successful top-up of wallet (only initial passports) |
response/certinfo/wmids/row | Information about all WMIDs attached to this passport. The owners of passports having more than one WMID can set unique characteristics for each of them (additional information and name (nick)) | |
response/certinfo/wmids/row/@wmid | WMID | 12 digits |
response/certinfo/wmids/row/@info | Additional information about WMID. | |
response/certinfo/wmids/row/@nickname | Unique name (nick) for this WMID | |
response/certinfo/wmids/row/@datereg | Date and time (UTC+3) when WMID was registered in the system | In the following format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmm |
response/certinfo/wmids/row/@ctype | Owner status | ctype ="1" - Individual person ctype ="2" - Legal person |
response/certinfo/wmids/row/@companyname | company's name | filled in only for legal persons. |
response/certinfo/wmids/row/@companyid | the registration number of company | INN code (for Russian companies) EDRPOU CODE (for Ukrainian), Certificate number etc. Filled in only for legal persons. |
response/certinfo/userinfo | Personal data about passport owner, verification of the data by the passport issuer or viewing of personal data being disabled | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row | Personal data about passport owner. | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@nickname | Project name, name (nick) | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@country | postal address-country | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@city | postal address-city | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@zipcode | postal address-postal code | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@adres | postal address-street,house, apartment | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@fname | Surname of WMID owner | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@iname | Name of WMID owner | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@oname | Second (Patronymic) name of WMID owner | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@pnomer | Passport number of WMID owner | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@pdate | Passport issue date | in the format MM/DD/YYYY |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@pdateend | passport expiry date | in the format MM/DD/YYYY |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@pcountry | Passport issue place (country) | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@pcountryid | the code country of passport issue | reference guide |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@pbywhom | Passport issue place (by whom) | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@inn | Personal identifier | for citizens of the Russian Federation - INN for citizens of Ukraine - INN for citizens of the Republic of Belarus - the Identification number |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@registrationtypeid4 | Статус идентификации в ТОО «Гермес Гарант Групп» (обслуживание K-кошельков) |
0 - без идентификации 3011 - упрощенная идентификация 3021 - полная идентификация 2001 - юридическое лицо |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@registrationtypeid8 | Статус идентификации в ООО «CHOYKHONA» (обслуживание S-кошельков) | 0 - без идентификации 3011 - идентификация (активация) пройдена |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@bplace | Place of birth (city, country) | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@bday | Date of birth (day) | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@bmonth | Date of birth (month) | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@byear | Year of birth (year) | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@email | Contact information of certified WMID owner. E-mail address. | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@web | Contact information of certified WMID owner. Web-site address. | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@phone | Contact information of certified WMID owner. Contact phone number. | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@cap_owner | Only for Capitaller passports. Founder's WMID. | 12 digits |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@pasdoc | Verification of passport's e-copy by Verification Center admin. | If pasdoc = 1, then electronic copy was verified by Verification Center admin. If pasdoc = 0, then electronic copy was not verified by Verification Center admin. |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@regdoc | A sign of reconciliation by the administrator of the verification centre electronic copy page of the passport or other document with information about the place of residence. | regdoc=1 - reconciliation with the personal data of the owner WMID produced. regdoc=0 - the verification is not made. |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@inndoc | Verification of e-copy of the INN certificate by Verification Center admin. | If inndoc = 1, then electronic copy was verified by Verification Center admin. If inndoc = 0, then electronic copy was not verified by Verification Center admin. |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@photoid | Presence at this WMID of the checked PhotoID. | photoid=1 - this WMID is checked PhotoID. photoid=0 - this WMID is not checked PhotoID. |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@sex | sex | sex=0-unspecified sex=1 - male sex=2 - female |
response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@infoopen | Additional information (direction of activities, comments, commercial information | |
response/certinfo/userinfo/check-lock/row | Verification of personal data by passport issuer and blocking of public viewing of personal data. These attributes have tags similar to the tags described in the response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row block. The attributes can have the following values: 00 - this field was not verified by passport issuer and was not restricted by passport owner from public viewing 01 - this field was not verified by passport issuer and was restricted by passport owner from public viewing 10 - this field was verified by passport issuer and was not restricted by passport owner from public viewing 11 - this field was verified by passport issuer and was restricted by passport owner from public viewing For example:If @fname="10", then surname of passport owner was verified by passport issuer. This field is available for public viewing.% |
Access to information provided by the interface is also possible using OAuth
Change history¶
The 26th of May 2015
Introduced a new attribute:
- response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@pdateend - passport expiry date
the 19th of June 2014
Introduced a new attribute:
- response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@pcountryid - the code country of passport issue/ see reference guide
Abolished attribute:
- response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@pcity - place (city) of passport issue.
the 20th of December 2013
Introduced new attributes:
- response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@regdoc - a sign of reconciliation by the administrator of the verification centre electronic copy page of the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation with information on place of permanent residence (registration of residence).
- response/certinfo/userinfo/value/row/@photoid - presence at this WMID of the checked PhotoID.
See also XML-interfaces