Payment via SMS

WebMoney users can pay for goods and services using an SMS message sent to their mobile phone (or a USSD request).

This payment method is very simple and convenient. On the seller's site, the user enters the mobile phone number (or WMID, or email address that can be used for finding the phone number) of the buyer. The system responds with an SMS message (or a USSD request) for confirming the payment. The payment is completed immediately after the confirmation code is entered on the seller's site.

Payment via SMS is also available on the Merchant service (to do this, choose the payment confirmation by SMS after entering the login and password).

The unique characteristics of this payment method provide the following benefits for buyers at the moment of purchase:
  • possibility to make payments without leaving the seller's site (application);
  • possibility to make payments without access to their WM Keeper (for instance, when in a game, you can pay for the necessary accessories or artifacts "on-the-fly" or make a payment from the payment section of a console or TV set);
  • possibility to make payments without Internet access (for instance, at some gas stations, you can tell the operator the phone number and the payment confirmation code).

This option is enabled when making the first payment with the following limits:

WM Currency Type Monthly Limit Weekly Limit Daily Limit
WMZ 15 000 10 000 3 000
WME 15 000 10 000 3 000
WMG 500 300 100
WMX 60 000 30 000 12 000
WMH 6 000 000 3 000 000 1 200 000
WML 9000 4500 1800
WMF 300 000 150 000 60 000
WMT 15 000 10 000 3 000

Configuration of the SMS payment option is performed on the security service site.

When making a purchase with SMS/USSD authorization, the system charges the buyer with an additional fixed commission in the amount of 0,05 WMZ, 0,05 WME, 0,01 WMX, 0,01 WMG, 0,10 WMH, 0,50 WML, 0,02 WMF, 0,05 WMT, 0,6 WMM.

This payment method is implemented with the help of the X20 XML interface and is available to all sellers.

See also:
Enabling SMS payments
Quick payment on the Merchant service