Interface X19

Verifying personal information for the owner of a WM identifier.

This interface allows verifying the identity of information specified in a request with the personal information of a WebMoney Transfer user.

How to access the interface

The interface is accessible only to clients who have registered in the Megastock catalog in the following groups:
  1. Online exchange of electronic currencies
  2. Purchase/withdrawal of electronic currencies
  3. Mobile Communications

To access the interface, use a WMID registered on the Megastock catalog and the listed groups, or any WMID from the same passport. If you have only one WMID in your passport, you can attach an additional WMID to the passport and use it to access the X19 interface. If your application for registration on Megastock has still not been reviewed, indicate the WMID used to sign the requests in the userinfo/wmid parameter or authorize on the using the WMID, and you will have the opportunity to test the X19 interface.

You can check the availability of access to X19 Interface on the page:

On this page you can also:

  • Entrust the access to X19 Interface to any WMID with Formal (or higher) passport (in case your WMID is registered in the Megastock catalogue in the groups mentioned above);
  • Obtain access to X19 Interface if you are an administrator of a Capitaller bugdet automation tool that is registered in the Megastock catalogue in the groups mentioned above).


Request format


Request parameters

name purpose comments
reqn request number mandatory parameter, an integer without delimiter, max number of digits is 15; the value must always be greater than the number of the previous request
lang language request the optional parameter
ru - russian language (default value)
en - english language
signerwmid WMID of the user who signed the request mandatory parameter
operation information about the operation
operation/type type of operation mandatory parameter:
1 or cash - purchase/withdrawal of WM in cash at an exchange point.
2 or sdp - purchase/withdrawal of WM in cash through money transfer systems.
3 or bank - purchase/withdrawal of WM from/to a bank account.
4 or card - purchase/withdrawal of WM to a bank card.
5 or emoney - exchange of WM for other types of electronic currency.
6 or sms - Funding a WM-purse by SMS (operation/direction=2 only)
7 or mobile - Withdrawal of WM to a phone account - recharging a phone account (operation/direction=2 only)
8 or blockchain - exchange of WM for cryptocurrency - (operation/direction=1 only)
To use this verification switch all request to the address или
operation/direction direction of the operations 1 or output - Funds withdrawal (default value)
2 or input - Top-up
for operation/type=6 it is permitted only to top-up the System, therefore only operation/direction=2 is allowed
for operation/type=7 it is permitted only to top-up the System, therefore only operation/direction=1 is allowed
operatoin/pursetype the type of WM purse from or to which the transfer is taking place mandatory parameter, may equal: WMZ, WME, WMB, WMX, WMK, WMG and etc
operation/amount transfer amount mandatory parameter, floating point number (separated by a decimal point (.) ), for ten and a half this would be "10.5" (without the quotation marks). Insignificant trailing zeros and decimal points, if the number is an integer, should not be used. "10.5" and "9" are correct, while "10.50" and "9." are incorrect.
To withdrawal (operation/direction=1) must specify the amount to be deducted from the purse of the participant, excluding commissions WM, to top-up (operation/direction=2) must specify the amount to be "credited to the purse of the party system"
sign request signature mandatory parameter, formed from: //reqn + //operation/type + //userinfo/wmid; used only when authorizing using WM Keeper WinPro (Classic) keys
userinfo information about the WM user
userinfo/wmid user's WMID compulsory parameter
Attention! For all the operations you need to specify WMID of the member of the System that makes an input or output operation.
userinfo/pnomer passport number mandatory for operation=1
userinfo/fname user's last name mandatory for operation=1, 2, 3, 4
userinfo/iname user's first name mandatory for operation=1, 2, 3, 4
userinfo/bankname bank name mandatory for operation=3, 4
userinfo/bank_account bank account number mandatory for operation=3
userinfo/card_number bank card number mandatory for operation=4
userinfo/emoney_name payment system code mandatory for operation=5
paypal for PayPal
alipay for Alipay
etc. All list
userinfo/emoney_id user ID for the payment system mandatory for operation=5
userinfo/phone phone number mandatory for operation=6 and =7
mobile phone number should be specified in international format
the format is: country code + operator code + number, without '0' and '00'
e.g.: 479101010101
userinfo/crypto_name cryptocurrency ticker mandatory for operation=8
BTC for Bitcoin, ETH for Ethereum, etc. All list
userinfo/crypto_address cryptocurrency address mandatory for operation=8
address to get cryptocurrencies
  • Response format:

Response parameters

name purpose comments
retval execution code 0 - request successful, the information given in the request matches the information for the user's WM passport, other values mean that an error occurred for the request
2 - signerwmid has no access to the interface
403 - request for userinfo/wmid member information is impossible
404 - specified parameters don't correspond with userinfo/wmid member
405 - userinfo/wmid member should obtain Formal (or higher) passport
406 - request for Capitaller budget automation tools information is impossible
407 - userinfo/wmid member of the System should upload a colour copy of all significant pages of his identity card to and wait till it is verified
408 - the bank card is "assigned" for withdrawal to another member of the system (with a different last name)
409 - 7 days since userinfo/wmid registered to the System have not yet passed
410 - 7 days since userinfo/wmid the changed of passport number have not yet passed
415 - userinfo/wmid member should check his phone number, see
416 - it's impossible to recharge the account of the specified bank card or cell phone
417 - it's impossible to recharge the account of the specified bank card or cell phone
418 - it's impossible to recharge the account of the specified bank card or cell phone, exceeded limit for this account
419 - it's impossible to recharge the account of the specified bank card or cell phone, the limit for withdrawal of funds from the system for the sender of the payment has been exceeded
420 - the operation is available only for citizens of the Russian Federation
421 - withdrawal on Bank cards from USD purses to residents of the European Economic Area are not available
422 - withdrawal on Bank cards from WME purses is available only to residents of the European Economic Area
426 - withdrawal of funds to the specified card (account) is impossible
427 - incorrect phone number (the number of incorrect length)
428 - the phone number must be specified in international format (with country code)
429 - the limit of the number of payers for this account is exceeded
430 - the operation is available only for citizens of Uzbekistan
433 - the K-purse did not pass the identification procedure
434 - operation is not available in your country
435 - operation is not available in Russian Federation
436 - operation is not available in Ukraine
437 - You need perform a VideoID identification
438 - monthly limit of the number of bank cards used for withdrawal is exceeded
5 - for users with formal passport
10 - for users with initial passport
15 - for users with personal passport

439 - monthly limit of the number of payment system accounts used for withdrawal is exceeded
440 - monthly limit of the number of payment system accounts used for withdrawal is exceeded
441 - you need to specify postal address (country, city e.t.c.) -
442 - check the completeness of the specified address (country, postal index, city e.t.c.) and confirm its validity by any of the suggested methods -
443 - you need perform a VideoID identification.
448 - the account is "assigned" for withdrawal to another member of the system (with a different last name)
451 - this payment system is not supported in this interface
452 - member ID is specified incorrectly
453-463 - The wallet (account) number is incorrectly specified.
499 - requests limit exceeded
500 - unknown error
retdesc description of execution code
retid answer ID unique answer ID generated each time the interface is used; should be used when forming a note to an exchange transaction

Adding payment systems

If your exchange office plans to provide services for top-up or withdrawing WM title units to payment systems that are not in the list of payment systems in this interface, please send a description of it to the WebMoney Support service (name of the system, web-site address, which is an identifier in this payment system).

See also XML interfaces