
The Display command shows the window specified in the Window parameter and, in the Param parameter, passes it data for initialization.


  • Window - name of the window which will be shown.
    The parameter can take one of the values given below:
    1. Main - the main window in WebMoney Keeper WinPro;
    2. Options - "Program parameters" dialogue;
    3. Props - "Correspondent information" or "About me..." dialogue depending on the Param parameter;
    4. About - "About the program..." dialogue;
    5. Messages - "All messages" dialogue;
    6. Invoices_Out - "Sent invoices" window;
    7. Invoices_In - "Received invoices" window;
    8. Operations - "Transaction history" window.
      • Page - dialogue page (1 - first page, 2 - second page, and so on) which will be active when the dialogue is shown. This parameter is applied to the Main, Options and Props windows.
      • Param - at present, this parameter is used only by the Props window. You can pass it a user's WMID and view information about that user in the "Correspondent information" window. If this parameter is absent, then the "About me..." dialog will be shown.


<a href="wmk:display?window=main&page=3&BringToFront=Y">Show WebMoney Keeper and open list of purses</a>
<a href="wmk:display?window=about&BringToFront=Y">Click here to determine your version of WebMoney Keeper</a>
<a href="wmk:display?window=props&BringToFront=Y">Edit information about yourself</a>
<a href="wmk:display?window=options&page=1&BringToFront=Y">Change skin for this dialog!</a>

See also:
WMK Protocol