Offering a Trust Limit

  • method – POST
  • accept types: application/xml
  • request format:
  • request parameters:
Name Purpose Description
WMID lender's WMID 12 digits;*the keys of this WMID are used to form SIGN*
Ticks the number of milliseconds since 01.01.1970 00:00:00 UTC Int64
FORWMID borrower's WMID 12 digits
PURSE purse for issuing loans
AMOUNT maximum amount, format {0.00}
RET_PERIOD maximum loan term in days
RET_PERIOD_MIN minimum loan term in days (if not specified - 1)
RET_PROС daily loan interest, format {0.0000}
RET_PER repayment periodicity 0 - at the end of the term
1 - daily,
3 - once in 3 days,
5 - once in 5 days,
10 - once in 10 days,
15 - once in 15 days,
30 - once in 30 days
TIME_LIFE limit lifetime 0 - unlimited, -1 - until the first use
SIGN request signature WM Keeper WinPro it is formed using the WMSigner module and the lender's WMID keys from a string formed by concatenating the parameters WMID + ':' + FORWMID + ':' + Purse + ':' + AMOUNT + ':' + RET_PERIOD + ':' + RET_PER + ':' + RET_PROC + ':' + TIME_LIFE + ':' + Ticks + ':' + password_for_API_access
password_for_ access_to_the_API is generated on the settings page of the Debt Service
request signature WM Keeper WebPro In the case of authenticating with the WM Keeper Web Pro (Light) certificate, if the certificate is installed in chain, then service.request/wmid and service.request/sign are ignored in the request. You can if the certificate is installed in chain by calling GET - WMID will be displayed on the page, immediately below the link to the documentation or POST - WMID will be issued in the x509wmid tag for XML (<x509wmid>XXXXXXXXXXXX</x509wmid>) or the x509wmid property ( ... ,"x509wmid":"XXXXXXXXXXXX"} ) for JSON.
  • response format:
        <creditline wmidfrom="WMID_FROM" wmidfor="WMID_FOR">
  • response parameters:
Name Purpose Description
FROMWMID lender's WMID 12 digits
FORWMID borrower's WMID 12 digits
DATECRT loan date format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
DATEUPD date of the last change of the loan status format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
AMOUNTMAX maximum amount
AMOUNTPAY amount used
RET_PERIOD maximum loan term in days
RET_PERIOD_MIN minimum loan term in days
RET_PROС daily loan interest
RET_PER repayment periodicity 0 - at the end of the term
1 - daily,
3 - once in three days,
5 - once in 5 days,
10 - once in 10 days,
15 - once in 15 days,
30 - once in 30 days
STATE limit status 0 - closed, 1 - open, 2 - offered

RETVAL values