Debt API RetvalCodes

When using Debt API the following response codes are available:

RETVAL values

code description
0 request successfully completed
2 general request execution error
4 exceeded the maximum number of requests being executed
5 signature verification error
9 the check for issuing to the lender is not ready yet
51 no access to loan data
52 the loan was not found or does not have a suitable status for fulfilling the request
53 the delay in repayment does not exceed three months
521 wmid service suspended
wmid service was suspended earlier by the Arbitration service
525 wmid is fully serviced
1002 insufficient amount of funds in the purse
the borrower is not in the correspondents list in WM Keeper, please add him to the list
1008 in the country of your correspondent's residence this currency cannot be used to issue loans
1009 you cannot use this currency to issue loans in your country
1010 the purse type is not supported
1017 the lender is blocked; limit not created
1018 too long period
1019 too large amount
1020 the loan with these parameters do not produce a profit, try to increase the term
1021 the loan with these parameters do not produce a profit, try to increase the amount
1022 the loan with these parameters do not produce a profit, it is impossible to use a credit line
1023 you can't change the purse type, some loans have not been returned yet
1031 you can't change the purse type, some loans have not been returned yet
1033 loan has not expired
1034 error when calculating the parameters of an early refund
1035 the loan repayment command was executed recently, it is not recommended to try to make refunds more often than once every 30 minutes
1036 error when making a return
1037 the refund task has been formed successfully, but the refund status has not yet been determined, request the loan parameters to determine its status
1043 there are no funds for a refund, the refund has not been completed
1047 A limit to this borrower has already been opened from your other WMID. Use this WMID or ask the borrower to close all trust limits.
1100 the previous return attempt has not ended yet; try again later
1501 the correspondent does not want to consider your loan offer