Interface WMC4

Interface WMC4. Refund query(WebMoney.Check)

The signatory WMID should have the Agency Agreement signed with Leadant Solutions Ltd.

 <sign type=""></sign>
  • query parameters:
name reference comment
wmid WMID signing a query used for authorization with the keys WM Keeper WinPro or by X.509 certificate WM Keeper WebPro
sign query signature formed out of: wmid + remark + wmtranid
sign/@type query signature type 1 - signature formed using a special authentication module for keys WM Keeper WinPro, 2 - Signature formed using a X.509 certificate WM Keeper WebPro base64 encoded
remark reason for payment return line of not less than 30 and not more than 255 symbols
wmtranid WebMoney Transfer ID to perform a refund unique operation Id in WebMoney Transfer
  • response format:
 <payment id="">
  • response parameters:
name reference comment
retval Status or error code 0 - query successful. other codes show unsuccessful queries processing
retdesc error text description/empty error text description. random line from 0 to 255 symbols; encoding: win-1251
payment/@id unique refund transaction ID unique WebMoney Transfer operation ID
remark Grounds for the refund line of not less than 30 and not more than 255 symbols
wmtranid unique refund transaction ID unique WebMoney Transfer operation ID

See also:
XML-interfaces to top-up WMZ and WME