How to create two projects? - You can create only 1 project for one WMID. If you need more you have to do additional registration. In the new WMID you can create the second (and so on) project.

Requirements for opening a project - The Funding service is available for WebMoney Transfer System users with a Formal passport (or higher). The project should include the name, detailed description. Also you have to place a widget on your site. Pay attention! The site content shall comply with the requirements of WebMoney system and Webmoney. Funding service.

Where the funds would go? - Funds are received on the account ("My account"). In the future you can withdraw money to your purse. Commission for transfer money 0.8%

How to withdraw funds from the Funding service to my purse? - Open "My account" - "Account" and click "Withdraw". Withdrawal period is 14 days after the first contribution.

How to identify who made what contribution? - Open "My account" – "Project". Click on the topic of project. Here you can find the link "Backers" (or "Contributions" for Crowdfunding projects)

How to withdraw funds, if my WMID is blocked? - In this case, please, write to the administrator of the service with the purse number.

Is it possible to create several projects? - You can create the second project only after completion of the previous one.

Conditions for the creation of a donation button.
You have to meet one condition from the list:

  • сreate post in group VK (only for Administrator of the group)
  • place the widget code on your website and confirm.

How to edit the project? - Click "My account" – "Project" – "Edit"

What can I do if the type of project was changed from the Crowdfunding project to Website support/Fundraising? - In this case, please, create a group in VK and place a fundraising widget in it or your own website.