WebMoney Advisor

WebMoney Advisor is a web-browser add-on developed for users of the WebMoney Transfer system. A tool to analyze traffic, publish reviews and determine global and WebMoney site rankings. WebMoney Advisor is integrated into the interface of your browser Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome as a special toolbar.

WebMoney Advisor performs the following functions:
  • constant monitoring of websites opened in the browser and whether they belong to the community of WebMoney internet resources;
  • warning the user before navigating to a malicious (unsafe) web-site;
  • allowing the user to leave a comment about any web-site;
  • integrated with the Memo bookmark manager (a bookmarking service that allows bookmarks, notes, RSS-content to be saved so they can be available on a different device).

Download WebMoney Advisor

click to download click to download

WebMoney Advisor web-site: https://advisor.wmtransfer.com and https://advisor.web.money/en

See also: