VISA or MASTERCARD cards topup in RUB

Fees and limits.

Performed at the page

  • Withdrawal is available for System participants with a passport from a formal one with verified and VideoID;
  • Withdrawal is available from WMZ, WMT purses to VISA/Mastercard/Mir cards of any bank of the Russian Federation;
  • Your bank card account should be credited in immediately with the exception of credit cards;
  • Service fee when withdrawing from a WMZ purse: 12,5% top up amount + 50,00 RUB (minimum commission 75 RUB);
  • Service fee when withdrawing from a WMT purse: 3.5% top up amount + 50,00 RUB (minimum commission 75 RUB);
  • Service fee when withdrawing via Fast Payment System: from a WMT purse: 3.5% top up amount (minimum commission 50 RUB); from a WMZ purse: 12.5% top up amount (minimum commission 50 RUB);
  • The withdrawal must be made to your own card;
  • The operator reserves the right to refuse the service on an individual basis.
Identification level Topup Limits
Daily limit Month limit
Formal/Initial passport 60 000 RUB (in equivalent) 60 000 RUB (in equivalent)
Personal passport and higher 60 000 RUB (in equivalent) 100 000 RUB (in equivalent)

The maximum one-time payment is 15 000 RUB.

See also:
VISA or MASTERCARD cards topup in USD or EUR
How to top-up a bank card via Telepay service
Personal account payment service