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OfferMy method (Trader’s list of current buy/sell offers).¶
- Requests should be sent to –
- method – POST
- accept types: text/json
- request format:
- request parameters:
name purpose comments Login Trader’s login obtained by the Trader on the API access page and is used to sign the request sent to the Internet-exchange Password Trader’s password obtained by the Trader on the API access page and is used to sign the request sent to the Internet-exchange Wmid Trader’s WMID Trader’s WM-identifier used to operate the Internet-exchange Culture Request language determines the language of the message: (ru-RU, en-EN) Signature Request signature
BASE64 + SHA256formed with the parameters: Login+ ';' + Password+ ';' + Culture+ ';' + Wmid Example: CryptoJS.SHA256('1234567890AaBb').toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64) equal Q+ylxnY9VUUqgEalgyEQS9oD2WgOgzA6LofVvjYPhFQ=
- response format:
- response parameters:
name purpose comments code Execution code 0 - request successfully completed (for other values see return codes list). desc Execution code description “string of 0 to 255 symbols, win1251-encoded” value result contains the return value depending on the method called toolid instrument id decimal integer of 18 digits maximally offerid Offer ID decimal integer name instrument name “string of 0 to 255 symbols, win1251-encoded” kind operation type decimal integer, 1 – buy, 0 - sell price price price of a lot notes quantity number of bought or sold instruments stamp operation date and time format C#: new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)).AddSeconds(stamp);
- execution/Error Codes:
return code description 0 request successfully completed -1 service stopped -2 access denied -3 wrong Trader’s WMID -4 incorrect request signature -5 incorrect date -6 nonexistent instrument ID -7 web-service call resulted in an error -8 internal error -9 unknown error -10 unknown error
- test page: JavaScript