Loan repayment based on a trust limit using a Paymer check

If the lender cannot return an overdue loan by any means then they can receive the debtor's obligation on the repayment of the remaining funds registered in the Paymer system.

PAYMER checks that are received for loan repayment based on a trust limit are not WM cards and cannot be repaid to a WM purse. For details on repaying these checks, read the article Using Paymer checks for loan repayment .

To do so, log into the Debt service site (, go to the tab “I trust”“Loans”, select the overdue loan from the loans that appear,

and press ”Repay”.

In the window that opens press “Replace on debt obligation”.

The details of the Paymer check, the number and code, will be displayed on the same page and from that moment on the obligations corresponding to the check are transferred to the ownership of the lender and the Debt service stops keeping track of the debt.

After issuing the Paymer check number and code, the borrower's WMID is blocked for outgoing transactions.