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Agreement on property rights transfer
Agreement on Property Rights Transfer by Means Of Digital Units¶
- Addendum 1. Description of the Message Formats Compulsory for use in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System
- Addendum 2. The List of Goods and Services payments for which cannot be made in title units (WM)
- Addendum 3. Disclaimer
- Addendum 4. The list of jurisdictions, which residents cannot be provided with the services of WebMoney Transfer System
1.1. Definitions of the principle terms:
WEBMONEY TRANSFER - an electronic system for the overall accounting and protected turnover of formalized messages between the registered Members, who have been assigned a Member Identifier (WMID) in the process of the installation of the client’s software and accession to the hereby Agreement.
WEBMONEY - a universal title unit (WM) in a digital form, which expresses the amount (scope) of proprietary rights, the price of which (conditional network value) is established and maintained by the owners, and the procedure for the transfer and accounting is relevant to the procedures for exchange of messages of the TITLE UNITS formats in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System (Addendum 1).
The Transactions Certification Center WEBMONEY - an automatic software and hardware robot-complex, managing the WEBMONEY circulation and producing transfer (transfer or assignment) of proprietary rights.
WEBMONEY KEEPER – a client’s software received by you free on charge on our web-server and granting access to the WEBMONEY accounting and turnover algorithms from your devices.
YOUR COMPUTER – a computer (any devices), on which you use WEBMONEY KEEPER to perform operations in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System.
YOU – a Member of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System and of its software and hardware complex; any individual or legal entity (except for the citizens and tax residents of the countries from the List of the countries where WebMoney Transfer System services are not provided (Addendum 4)), being a party to the Agreement (any of its parts or derived documents), who has entered his identification data (first name, last name, details of the identification documents/documents establishing the form of incorporation of a legal entity, the name and the entry number in the State Unified Register of Legal Entities) and the contact information (mailing address, email, cell phone number), acknowledging electronic documents, generated with the help of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System, having the same legal power as written documents as well as the actions performed with the use of the software and hardware complex aimed at the establishment, change or termination of civil rights and liabilities in relation to proprietary rights (asset).
WE – WMT LLC, the owner, installer, operator and administrator of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System, being a party to the hereby Agreement (any of its parts and derived documents).
AGREEMENT – contractual provisions of the involved parties, including acknowledgement of Electronic documents, certified with an e-signature, being the analogue to a handwritten signature; technical and procedural rules, regulating Your user status in Your relationships with Us.
WEBMONEY TRANSFER PROCEDURES – instructive description of the procedure for the use of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System, posted on Our web-server.
APPLICATION – a form filled by You in the WEBMONEY KEEPER; an order to perform various operations with WEBMONEY.
MEMBER’S IDENTIFIER – a set of characters, generated at the time of installation of the WEBMONEY KEEPER by the Transactions Certification Center, being Your unique number in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System.
SERVICES – Our information and technical support of the WEBMONEY KEEPER software.
WEBMONEY TRANSFER software - is the whole set of automatic software and hardware complex of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system, including automatic services of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system, client software modules of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system (WEBMONEY KEEPER), etc.
The above terms are uniformly understood and used in any context for the description of services that We provide in relation to WEBMONEY TRANSFER. You can get a copy of their descriptions from Our web-server, or You can receive a printed copy sent to You by US at the request (certified by an analogue of a handwritten signature).
2.1. The WEBMONEY TRANSFER System provides You with the following options:
a) You can receive WEBMONEY, transferred to You by any other Member of the System over the Internet or via any other data transfer channel available in the System, at any time;
b) You can transfer any amount of WEBMONEY accounted for on special accounts (purses) in Your WEBMONEY KEEPER (Addendum 1), to any Member of the System – an individual or a legal entity, accepting WEBMONEY to be exchanged for goods and services offered by him;
с) At Your request, You can receive information on the history of Your transactions in the System for the period of three days from the date of Your last transaction, but no later than 90 calendar days from the date of request.
2.2. To harmonize the terms of a transaction, You can use a protected message exchange services in the text format, built into WEBMONEY KEEPER. (Addendum 1).
2.3. Your status of a holder of the title units (WM) shall be confirmed after We verify their authenticity at the WEBMONEY Transactions Certification Center.
2.4. Availability of authentic WM in Your WEBMONEY KEEPER is an unconditional evidence of Your right to the WM.
3.1. We do not charge for the client’s software use WEBMONEY KEEPER.
3.2. For each transfer you make, a fee is automatically charged in favor of the participant authorized by the System Owner, who facilitates informational and technological interaction between the participants of settlements in the WebMoney Transfer system. The fee amounts to 0.8% of the number of title units, but not less than 0.01 WM, unless otherwise specified (Addendum 1).
4.1. You can transfer Your WEBMONEY to another Member of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System only using the procedures established by Us.
5.1. A Member of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System (You) shall have the following responsibilities:
a) to comply with all instructions provided in the Agreement and any additional instructions, furnished to You after the updates were made to the WEBMONEY KEEPER, based on Your unconditional acceptance of the Code of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System;
b) to provide authentic personal details and contact information when registering with the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system and inform us in good time should it change by following the WEBMONEY TRANSFER procedures. A WebMoney Transfer User undertakes the responsibility of following the WEBMONEY TRANSFER set standard procedures for providing contact details and copies of identity documents, and a sample of a handwritten signature when applying to receive rights to the operations within the system, which require such information, and/or for consideration of disputes with other users of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system;
c) to recognize e-documents, drafted in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System (orders, agreements, accounting records, account record statements, certificates) and certified by an analogue of the handwritten signature, having the same legal power as the relevant documents executed in a written form; any documents, forwarded to Our address, shall be signed with the own signature and contain reference to the analogue of the handwritten signature You use in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System;
d) to not use the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System for illegal activities, including transfer of payments for illegally acquired and received goods and services, including the transactions infringing copyright of third parties
e) to not conduct illegal activities with the help of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System, its Services and web-site. You shall also undertake to not use WEBMONEY TRANSFER System to trade securities, perform operations related to the network Marketing and sale of goods, the delivery of which would take more than 30 days. To not use WEBMONEY TRANSFER System to pay for the goods and services included in the List of prohibited goods (Addendum 2) as well as to not use identity of another Member or a representative of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System
f) to carry out (on your own) accounting of the proceeds collected as a result of transactions performed in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System and submit declarations to the Revenues Services in accordance with the legislation of the Country of Your registration;
g) to not allow anybody to use the WEBMONEY KEEPER installed on Your devices; modify WEBMONEY KEEPER and create any other product based on WEBMONEY KEEPER;
h) to notdisclose the information on the access to Your WEBMONEY KEEPER, including access to the devices used for authorization;
i) to observe provisions of all Our instructions, which We shall amend from time to time after updating WEBMONEY KEEPER;
j) to strictly abide by the WEBMONEY TRANSFER-PROCEDURES;
k) to carefully inspect the data provided in Your order (amounts, addresses, etc.) indicated on Your APPLICATION for a transaction of WM prior to the performance of the transactions;
l) to not disclose Your passwords, codes and any other information, provided for You to use the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System;
m) to properly care for Your devices, assuring its operating capability and safety of the data stored in it, thus, eliminating any possible negative consequences for Us;
n) to inform Us of any deficiencies in the operating capabilities of WEBMONEY KEEPER;
o) in the event of disputes with other Members of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System in respect to the transactions conducted with them, to make every effort for their pre-trial settlement, and in case of failure, to resolve the dispute by transferring the dispute for final resolution to the Arbitrage of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER, governed in the course of hearing and settlement of the dispute by the Code of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System. To recognize verdicts passed by the Arbitrage of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System, as legally valid, well-grounded and final in the hearing of disputes related to the operations in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System;
p) to not use details and addresses of the Members of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System for dispatch of unauthorized messages and letters. You are not authorized to use email address, blogs, billboards and other means of mass distribution of information (spam) for promotion of your details in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System;
q) being a part of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system participants community, not publish a false or unsubstantiated statements regarding the functioning of the System's Automation Tools or settlements using WEBMONEY TRANSFER tools that can harm the interests of WEBMONEY TRANSFER system participants;
5.2. The Members of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System, providing services or goods in exchange for WEBMONEY shell, in addition to the provisions of Art. 5.1., undertake to:
a) voluntarily and in accordance with the procedure established in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System, submit to Our address Your guaranty to recognize e-documents (orders, agreements, accounting records, accounting record statements, etc.) drafted in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System and certified by the analogue of the handwritten signature (with the provision of the actual handwritten signature analogue, used in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System), as having the same legal power as the relevant documents drafted in a written form. The said guarantee shall bear Your signature and shall be notarized. In addition, legal entities shall submit a notarized bank signature specimen card containing sample signatures and impression of the seal (accompanied with a note: – “for the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System”);
b) to create and publish on the WWW-site of the Web-store complete information about goods and services, information about basic consumer qualities of goods, prices, warranty periods, shelf life information, instructions and conditions for the effective and safe use of goods; addresses and brand name of the manufacturer, clear instructions on filing and settlement of complaints in case of goods exchange or return;
c) to assure that the main page of the Web-store contains a reference to the above stated instructions as well as the seller’s brand name, mailing address, phone number and the email address of the customer department of the Web-store;
d) to publish information about permit (license) for performance of the relevant operations; to not give any guarantees in relation to the goods and services, which could infringe Our interests;
e) to indicate our logo “We accept WM” and provide a hypertext link to our Web-server in a clear way on each page of the Web-store offering goods and services in exchange for WM;
f) to assure that any link or button will unequivocally inform the users of the actions they have to undertake to WM, for example, by displaying a clear message “Please transfer WM”;
g) to inform users about the terms of the transfer before a user confirms his transaction. These terms, for example, may include a description of the method of delivery or timing of the services;
i) to independently compile reports on transactions made using the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System and submit them to the Revenues Services of the country of registration;
j) to not publish any advertisements of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System without Our consent.
k) in the retail space (if applicable) and on he Web-site of the Web-store to place disclaimers in the form provided at Addendum 3. In addition, each supplier of goods and services shall sign to confirm that he recognized and published this additional disclaimer and shall comply with it in the future. A signed agreement shall be sent to the Owner’s address within 10 days from its acceptance.
l) considering that payments for goods and services with title units are deemed a barter deal, in which the transfer of title units by the buyer is authenticated by the System, in the event of disputes between the System Members, to organize an independent confirmation by the buyer of the fact of receipt of goods or services for further presentation to third parties, including the Arbitrage. In the absence of such evidence, and in the event the buyer (the sender of the title units) files a claim, to return the title units using the sender’s (buyers) identification details and to independently complete settlements of such a transaction OUTSIDE the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System with the recovery of monetary obligations for the goods transferred to the buyer (service provided).
6.1. Any Member of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System, including the Members, who published the WEBMONEY logo and information about acceptance of WEBMONEY for exchange for offered goods and services on their WWW-site, has the right to refuse to accept WEBMONEY or can restrict the acceptance of WEBMONEY in any other way.
6.2. All Your operations in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System shall be recorded in the log. The System shall reserve the right to use the said information in case You breach the terms of the hereby Agreement in order to protect its interests and the interests of its Members.
7.1. YOU, By accepting this Agreement, obtain a non-exclusive right to use the WEBMONEY TRANSFER software (hereinafter referred as a simple license) by joining the conditions below.
7.2. YOU have a right to:
a) use the Software in accordance with its purpose within the rights of a WEBMONEY TRANSFER participant;
b) the territory of the Software usage is limited by the territory where the WEBMONEY TRANSFER usage is available
7.3. YOU are obliged to:
a) use the WEBMONEY TRANSFER software only within the limits of those rights and in the ways provided in this agreement, acts and regulations of WEBMONEY TRANSFER;
b) prevent actions that violate the exclusive right to the WEBMONEY TRANSFER software;
c) suspend the usage of the Software after suspension of your rights under this Agreement;
d) stop using the Software after this Agreement termination
7.4. YOU are not entitled to:
a) reproduce and/or modify the Software;
b) copy and publish the Software on your own behalf;
c) sublicense for any usage of the Software to third parties;
d) distribute copies of the Software and/or perform other actions aimed at extracting commercial benefits in relations with third parties by usage of the Software, not provided in this agreement.
7.5. WE have rights to:
a) change and modify the Software and set the terms and conditions for its usage and provision to you;
b) terminate this agreement and refuse you the rights to use the Software in case of violation of this agreement, or in other grounds provided by the laws and regulations of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system.
7.6. WE provide the SOFTWARE "as is", and YOU use it at your own risk.
7.7. WE are not responsible for:
a) for any of your actions related to usage of the SOFTWARE;
b) for any kind damages incurred by you due to the lost and/or disclosure as a result of your actions/ inaction of the data necessary to access the Software;
c) in case of the Software operation failures resulting from any case of malfunctions in telecommunication, computer, electrical and other related systems or force majeure.
7.8. You agree that in order to work with the system Software, you need to use a software (web browsers, operating systems, etc.) and equipment (personal computers, network equipment, etc.) produced and provided by third parties, and WE cannot be responsible for their work quality.
8.1. We shall not reimburse any losses that YOU may incur in case of culpable (intentional or careless) violation of any requirements of the Agreement. In addition, YOU shall bear the risk of property losses caused by other reason, except as specified in Art.8.2.
8.2. We shall bear responsibilities in case smooth functioning of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System is impeded.
We shall not be responsible in case failures of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System arose as the result of:
a) any failure of the telecommunication, computer, power supply or any other related systems;
b) force majeure.
8.3. Hereby You agree that:
a) WMT LLC shall not be liable for the transactions You made to the order of casual users of the System or for the transfer of wrong amounts of title units due to the provision of incorrect information by Senders or Receivers.
b) Verification of the Members’ personal data (accreditation procedure) is used to only increases the likelihood of the correct Member’s identification. WMT LLC shall not be liable for fraud, deception or false information provided by the Members, regardless of whether the Member’s identity was verified or not. However, the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System offers assistance to the Members, who fell victims of fraud, provided they inform Us about the problem in a timely manner.
c) WMT LLC shall not be liable for an unauthorized interception or use of the data related to You and Your WEBMONEY KEEPER, for the inability to use the System because of the lack of access to the System Services or the website, for the actions or deals entered into by any person as a result of the use of your WEBMONEY KEEPER with your consent. The System is not responsible for any failures of the hardware or software (including computer viruses), telephone lines, or other means of communications as well as for failures caused by Internet service providers. Under no circumstances WMT LLC shall be responsible for unforeseen damages caused unintentionally, including (but not limited to) the damages resulting from lost profits, or disclosure of confidential information. Under no circumstances shall WMT LLC be liable for the acts or omissions of third parties (e.g., providers of telecommunication services, suppliers of computer equipment or software) or damages incurred as a result of any circumstances beyond our control (e.g., fire, flood, or other natural disasters; war, riot, strikes, equipment failure, computer virus, or failure in the power supply, telecommunication networks or other associated services).
9.1. We have the right to amend the Agreement in part or in whole, at any time, however, any changes shall not negatively affect your situation. We shall notify You of any conceptual changes no less than 30 days prior to the entry of such changes into force via our Web-server or by sending You a text message using your details in the System. To adopt the changes, you do not need to take any actions (a consent by default). Shall you disagree with the changes, you can discontinue the use of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System upon completion of the establish period.
9.2. WE may suspend Our obligations under the Agreement at any time without notice. Shall WE suspend the obligations under the Agreement, Your rights to use WEBMONEY are to be the simultaneously suspended, however You do not permanently loss the rights to use WEBMONEY, but only until a further notice is sent to you on the termination of suspension.
9.3. We have the right to terminate the Agreement:
a) immediately and without notice shall YOU fail to discharge any requirement;
b) at the end of the time period established by Us and about which You have been notified. The minimum period for the notification shall be at least seven days.
c) upon the expiration of one calendar year starting from the day of the Agreement conclusion in case if you have not carried out any transactions using the Title Units of the WebMoney System as from the date of registration in the System.
d) after 3 (three) years from the moment you stopped using the System (of your inactivity: absence of TEXT and/or TITLE UNITS types of messages and usage of WEBMONEY KEEPER)
9.4. YOU have the right to terminate the Agreement by notifying us seven days prior to the scheduled termination.
9.5. If We cancel the Agreement, then in case of lack of requirements to you to return title units from the senders, after providing the PARTICIPANT IDENTIFIER, "Password" and "key file", we will credit IN ORDER OF REFUND the payment details available in your registration country, opened in a full name registered in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system (specified during the WMID registration), in a PAYMENT SYSTEM which WEBMONEY TRANSFER system has a payment gateway at the moment of Agreement cancellation. At the same time, the amount of compensation is equivalent to the current market value of title units balance in your WEBMONEY KEEPER with retention of reimbursement of our costs for carrying out such an operation according to the rates published on Our website.
In case of availability of requirements for returning the title units transferred to you by the senders, before specifying the crediting of your payment details in external payment systems, you undertake to carry out the procedures in accordance with the clause 5.2.l.
9.6.Shall the Agreement be terminated, the WEBMONEY KEEPER license shall also be terminated.
Hereby You agree to the following provisions and accept them.
The trademarks «WEBMONEY», «WEBMONEY TRANSFER», as well as the trademark «DIGIMONEY», «PAYMER», «WM NOTE» (hereinafter referred to as “the Trademarks”) reproduced on the Operator’s web-site, shall be used by the Operator on the basis of license agreements, granting the right to use trademarks, signed by the Operator and SIA «Digimoney» (Republic of Latvia) (hereinafter referred to as the owner of the Trademarks) that holds an exclusive right to the Trademarks.
The owner of the Trademarks owner has an exclusive right to prohibit the use of Trademarks and identical or similar symbols in commercial activities of third parties. However, third parties, including the Members of the WebMoney Transfer (hereinafter referred to as the Members) can use the Trademarks for any lawful purposes, provided there is a consent of the Trademarks owner.
Prohibition to use of the Trademarks and identical or similar symbols in commercial activities shall, in addition, apply to the use of the Trademarks and identical or similar symbols in domain names of any domain zones. The Operator, as the licensee, acting in the interests of the Trademarks owner, as the holder of an exclusive rights to the Trademarks, has the right and must apply adequate measures to prevent their misuse.
Shall it be discovered that the Trademarks, their combination as well as identical or similar symbols were used in commercial activities, in the WebMoney Transfer System, by a Member or a domain name entity controlled by him, the Operator reserves the right, to request the Member, at its discretion:
to transfer the relevant domain name to the owner of the Trademarks;
to demand for the use of the domain name to be discontinued.
Shall the Member disregard the Operator’s instruction to transfer the domain name or to discontinue its use within seven (7) days after the receipt of the relevant notification via the WebMoney Transfer System, it is deemed the grounds for the rise of a right of the Trademarks owner to file claim against the given Member in the amount of one hundred thousand 100,000.00 euro in respect of each improperly used by the Member or entities controlled by him domain name specified in the notice sent by the Operator to the Member. The payment of the above penalty shall not relieve the Member from the duty to observe the intellectual property rights of the owners of the Trademarks.
We will comply with our obligations under Data Protection Legislation in relation to the processing of EEA residents personal data in connection with the Agreement
We process EEA residents personal data about individuals in accordance with our Privacy Policy for EEA residents and WebMoney Transfer Cookie Policy agree, prior to submitting any personal data in relation to any third parties to the System, to make such third parties aware of our Privacy Policy for EEA residents and WebMoney Transfer Cookie Policy and to make sure that the provisions of such Privacy Policy for EEA residents and WebMoney Transfer Cookie Policy communicated to them.
In this Clause 11, "Data Protection Legislation" means (i) before 25 May 2018, the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46 and all national implementing laws (including the UK Data Protection Act 1998); and (ii) on or after 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679; together with all other applicable legislation relating to privacy or data protection and including any statute or statutory provision which amends, extends, consolidates or replaces the same. The terms “personal data”, “data subject”, “controller", “processor” and “process” (and its derivatives) shall have the meanings given to them in the Data Protection Legislation.
Addendum 1¶
Description of the mandatory for the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System message formats
WEBMONEY TRANSFER – an electronic system for the overall accounting and protected turnover of formalized messages between the registered Members, who have been assigned a Member Identifier (WMID) in the process of the installation of the client’s software and accession to the hereby Agreement .
MEMBER’S IDENTIFIER (WMID) is a unique 12-digit sequence, which serves as the Member’s address in the System.
WEBMONEY TRANSFER is compatible with the following mandatory message formats:
Messages of the INVOICE and TEXT format can be created by any System Member (SENDER) for another System Member (RECEIVER), whose address (WMID) is known by the SENDRE and can be transferred to the RECEIVER. Copies of the sent messages of the INVOICE and TEXT formats are stored in a dedicated data archive of the client’s software of senders and receivers. Received messages in the INVOICE and TEXT formats can be deleted from the Members’ system and archive at the discretion of the Members by application of the procedure for the data removal.
Messages of the TITLE UNITS format can be created only by the Owner of the system and are designated for a dispatch by any System Member (SENDER) to any other System MEMBER (RECEIVER).
Records about circulation of the messages of the TITLE UNITS type are stored in the SENDER’s and RECEIVER’s archive of the client’s software, and in the system log. p>
Messages of the TITLE UNITS format cannot be removed by their owners, they only can be transferred from one Member to another. The Operator of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System maintains the integrity of the entire volume of the messages of the TITLE UNITS format and it is the deemed the main function of the System.
For messages of the TITLE UNITS format to circulate within one WMID, there can be created any number of specific details (Purses) characterized by a 12-digit sequence and a character prefix corresponding to the TITLE UNITS format.
Message of the TITLE UNITS format can be transferred to any System Member, having, within its WMID, registered details (Purse) for the accounting of the messages of TITLE UNITS format of the corresponding type.
The number of messages of the TITLE UNITS format received and sent with any purse is displayed in the following format “AMOUNT&”nbsp; - a mandatory characteristic of a Purse.
Messages of the TITLE UNITS format contain the following fields:
AMOUNT (the number of transferred messages of the TITLE UNITS format in a given transaction);
DATE and TIME of the transactions (the date and time the transaction was recorded in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System);
NOTE to the transaction;
When a messages of the TITLE UNITS format is delivered to the recipient’s purse, the value of the “Amount” field increases by the volume of messages of the TITLE UNITS format received in the given transaction.
When sending messages of the TITLE UNITS format, the value of the “Amount” field of the sender’s Purse the sender is reduced by the volume of messages of the TITLE UNITS format transmitted to the RECIPIENT and by the volume of messages of the TITLE UNITS format transmitted to the service address of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System. The volume of messages of the TITLE UNITS format transmitted to the service address, is set by the Owner of the System for each type of messages of the TITLE UNITS format, however, this volume cannot be less than one-hundredth of a message unit of a message of the TITLE UNITS format of any type. Thus, the presence of the messages of the TITLE UNITS format of any type on the Members’ Purses gives the right to transfer these messages to any addressee in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System; a Member, who has a Purse with the value of the field “Amount” equal to one, has the right to transfer maximum 50 messages of the TITLE UNITS format to any Members.
A message of the INVOICE type is sent from one Member to another and is a prerequisite for sending messages of the TITLE UNITS format; it cannot be forwarded to another Member and shall contain:
The RECEIVER can process the message of the INVOICE type through accept, and then a transaction for the transfer of a messages of the TITLE UNITS format is created and dispatched to the SENDER, or through non-acceptance, and then a message of the TEXT format is created and dispatched to the SENDER’s address.
A message of the TEXT type is sent by the SENDER to the RECEIVER’s address; it cannot be forwarded to a third party and shall contain:
For the convenience of the Members, the Owner of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System can develop and introduce new message formats without amending the formats and procedures for processing of the messages of the mandatory formats.
Addendum 2¶
Goods and services, which cannot be paid for with title units (WM)
The list contains, but is not limited to, the types of goods for which the use of Webmoney Transfer is explicitly prohibited when settling purchase and sale transactions:
1. Artifacts, culturally valuable art and historical objects located/stored at the country of the consumer.
2. Used cosmetics.
3. Counterfeit currency, counterfeit coins and counterfeit stamps.
4. Drugs and drug paraphernalia, narcotic or drug-like substances, legal substances formulas and descriptions, steroids, agents that are subject to control and restrictions or other products that pose threat to safety of consumers.
5. Electronic devices including equipment deemed unlawful by the consumer's country of residence (for example cable TV descramblers, radar scanners, and traffic signal control devices, surveillance equipment, wiretapping devices, and telephone bugging devices, etc.)
6. Firearms and their replicas, cold and thrown weapons, physical protection equipment, sprays, tazers.
7. Government documents, IDs, licenses, uniform and other goods or any police (militia) items.
8. Dangerous and hazardous goods, perishable or restricted items (for example explosives, radioactive materials, toxic substances, batteries, fireworks, Freon, etc.)
9. Human parts and remains.
10. Items, encouraging illegal activity or links to items, promoting others to engage in illegal activity.
11. Lockpicking devices.
12. Bulk or unsolicited mail lists, data for access to e-mails, social networks, phone nets, message services or any lists that contain personal data.
13. Stolen things, including digital and virtual goods and means of accessing electronic systems, multiplayer games, including service access codes and special programs to break program protection.
14. Offensive Material (items that offend morality, materials promote or glorify hatred, violence, racial or religious intolerance, Nazi memorabilia, offensive goods or materials, derogatory, abusive words, insults).
15. Prescription drugs, pills, medications and their components.
16. Prohibited items promulgating violence, racial intolerance or economic benefit from illegal activity, including illegal sexual services and any other services that contradict with the System’s Code.
17. Stolen property and property with removed serial numbers.
18. Herbs, noxious weeds and prohibited seeds.
19. Illegal /piracy audio or video recordings.
20. Counterfeit or infringing goods.
21. Mod-chips, game emulators, boot disks and devices.
22. Goods, having no use value, e-begging.
23. Pornography, child pornography and other sexually suggestive materials involving minors; escort or prostitution services.
24. Auctions or trading systems, allowing its participants to perform activities, excluding actual transfer of goods, services or other products, bearing a use value, while all participants must pay regardless of whether they win or not.
25. Financial or payment instruments, that do not ensure proper KYC procedures and customers identification for the purposes of fighting illicit trafficking, financial fraud, illegal proceeds and money laundering.
26. Multi-level marketing, pyramids, HYIPs and matrix.
27. Products and services, transactions on which exclude options for settlement outside the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System.
In addition to the above, the use of WebMoney Transfer for the purchase and sale of certain goods requires mandatory permission from the Owner of the system (provided that the relevant permissions and licenses are available in the Participant's country of registration). These Products include the following:
1. Tobacco goods
2. Shares and other securities
3. Gambling (any variety of casino games, including poker, roulette, bingo, baccarat, bookmaking – any type of betting on any sorts of events) lottery tickets
4. Financial instruments
5. Alcoholic beverages
6. Lending of title units or management of title units and financial instruments received from third parties under the terms of maturity, payment of interest and repayment
7. Collection of donations for third parties as a charitable or non-profit organization
Addendum 3¶
Offered goods and services are provided not at the order of an individual or enterprise operating the WebMoney Transfer System. We are an independent enterprise providing services and making independent decisions about pricing and offers. Enterprises, operating the WebMoney Transfer System, do not receive any fees or other remuneration for participation in the provision of services and do not bear any responsibility for our activity.
Accreditation performed by WebMoney Transfer exclusively to confirm our contact details and verify the identity. It is performed at our will and does not mean that we in any way are connected with the sales conducted by the WebMoney System operators.
Addendum 4¶
Jurisdictions, which residents cannot be provided with the services of WebMoney Transfer System
Jurisdictions | Internet country code | Сallig code |
Canada | ca | +1 |
Hong Kong | hk | +852 |
North Korea | kp | +850 |
Somalia | so | +252 |
South Sudan | ss | +211 |
Sudan | sd | +249 |
United States of America | us | +1 |