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WebMoney Events markup language
Using basic codes of lightweight markup language or some of the HTML tags is available while formatting a text in the business network "WebMoney Events". In a single message only one formatting language can be implemented, which can be chosen when creating or editing a text by setting switch position.
WebMoney Events service implements support of the following syntactic constructions of the indicated markup languages:
Supported Markdown codes:¶
- Text styles:
** bold ** __ bold__ *italics* _italics_ ~~ strikethrough ~~ > Quote `` `` Code `` ``
- Headings:
# Level one heading ## Second level heading ### Third level heading #### Fourth Level heading ##### Level Five Heading
- Lists:
- ordered list
1. Point one 2. Point two 3. Point three
- unordered list:
* one item * other item or - one item - other item
- ordered list
- Tables:
| heading1 | heading2 | | ------ | ------ | | column text1 | column text2 |
- Links
[Name of the link to this wiki-articles](
Supported HTML tags:¶
- Text and block styles:
<quote>, <blockquote>
<sub>, <sup>
- Headings:
<h1>, <h2>,
<h3>, <h4>,
<h5>, <h6>
- Lists:
- Tables:
See also:
Markdown reference
HTML reference